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let it out softly and bit by bit so no one knows - a question of the day question
No one at the moment
I did miss Leyna, we stopped talking
My sister, my dog, Ben Gregg
I have a few, they know who they are, if you wanna know if you are just message me
My sister
alot of people
i would treat her with respect. i would care for her, love her, be there for her, i would just try to be the best boyfriend i can be
im not sure i didnt even know i did. oops the last question was an accident. i was meant to answer this one
im not sure, i didnt even know i did
No one
I have three but don't wanna say
No one, apart from my family
Don't have one, don't like ordering people
What's a star size?
ben gregg, macca, mish, dom, lachy
nathan f gradma grandpa my uncle
i talk to them alot
hahahaha **** yes, all the time, sorry owdie
i dont know why you asking me question of the day, kill; yourself, nah jks we all love you question of the day
yes i have
he's a pretty good actor
why you really wanna know who i like :P
well you will never know until you take the risk :)
my ex's no who they are and no i dont regret any, only thing i regret was hurting any of there feelings if i ever did so
i dont know, i dont admire myself in the mirror, and im not self centered. but i also don't hate my looks and think i ugly.
lachy- 2X
ben g
candy crush
i'm not sure, it's cpmplicated
i don't mind cats, i'm a dog person :p
yes we should, :P
im not fully sure if i like her
thank you :)
dont know who you are so i cant say i miss you back, sorry
my dog, not telling, dont hate anyone and someone i trust would be mish
yes, it think, i didnt really understand the question
omg, ohhhh myyyyy godddd!!!! its talyor swift :P
macca pacca
fine i'lll entertainnn youuu!!! :P
well she has red skin, seventeen fingers and purple hair. in other words, no telling :P
no order, maccapacca, ben, mish, leyna, tahlia, lachy, jessi, mel, nathan fernando, claire, shannon, liam, jason, shelly and ped phile
be hurt :P
you it
and i do
ill be like da fuq? or no my wall
no i do not, i f*** Bit**es :P
im sorry liam, i got home, was hungry and my dads birthday was yesturday so i had the left over caske :P
omg yes i am, if i wasnt then i wouldn\'t like the girl i like would i
i don\'t wanna say, sorry
hi im brock, :P
i don\'t wanna say sorry
well me i dont, so i really have know idea but i do hate how people call me ga. its not a big deal who cares if someones gay
no, for f*** sakes no, now stop asking me this question
omg, stop stalking me, i feeled loved but you :P
males: lachy
macca pacca
females: i have 5 that i cant order cause they are all the same
a letter :P
a girl that, nice, beautiful, fun, and funny
brocky woccky is just fine, your best friend is all the same, and hello nothing, whats you last name, its a very weird name nothing
yes i there is, thank you for asking, please ask again :p
yes there is
no one, and if i did cause i like them