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my close friend Britt, My ex bestfriend Jayden, and my grandad..
#nawss so are you :')
i have a whole list of people...
i dont think i really have 10 people i can stand for a long period of time..
probs not.. hahaha
not that i know of..
my mum, justin bieber, and my bestfriend tayla! <3 <3 <3
love her! she is my beautiful shauny! <3
idk haha depends on his personality!
in the left hand and fork in the right ;)
yeap that is melbourne...
nah shi*ty melbourne..
To not fall for the wrong guys..
nah not really.. they burn my pupils ;) hahah
nah they annoy me..
well im glad ;)
cause i take after the one and only britters ;)
well.. he is the sickest mada faka out obviously ;)
nlove him his such a cutie and all that shi*!
nhis also a f***** 3
hahaha! fair enough m8!
will i go????
might wanna finish that sentence please!! HAHA!
personally i dont think so, but he is a cutie!
lochie is a little muffin!
honestly his a really nice kid his like a brother to me!
his always their for me!
please inbox me on facebook so i can talk to you! <3
yes i am, im saving it for the special one!
i dont know honestly...
helping my friends through there rough times in life!
i dont have one to be honest..
My mummy <3
i want to be a teacher!
chocolate ahaha
hey anonymous... who are you? hehe
Because im not pretty...and because no one has asked me out...
Aw thanks! so nice of you! sweetie i only have 3 peircings that i wear....
and i dont wear eyeliner anymore... so thats awkward! well by the way your talking i would have more friends then you!
awh thankyou! :) and talk to me, most likely I do :) just inbox me sometime :) xx
WHAT? then inbox me on facebook so we can talk! so you can know me more! :(
helloo :) oh the usual ;)
That i'm a slu*!
no one (: