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Who the hell is that?
Nah he has a few other girls lol
Nah never
Food food food
Nothing is going to fix between that person and I. She shouldn't of said the hurtful things she said!
She knows and I think her last name is Kootsra matey
Love you sid! Xxxxxxxxxxxxx
Jealous of what???
Just do! ;) Makes me very busy tho! ;)
I think y?
Good thank you :-)
I grew up lol
Ask someone else
We driffed apart because of some things but I think we are fine now?
Ta but that's never gonna happen!
Thanks anon :)
As if I would date him, omg it's a joke lol
Of course!!! I love him!!! He's so smexy
My fridge!!
Idk 4 years ?
About 19837383849494 so I'm very busy girl!
Slam doors
Really! Darcy is such a babe ;)
Darcy wade for sure ;)
Nope, boys aren't worth it!
Known you for a very very long time... Don't talk much, nice sometimes ;), your a little wild!
Okay! Everyone wants to get to know will better text him
Because u don't send "ily" to people you don't know, and just start a random convo to them... Well good to know no harm done! :))))
Nice, good to have a chat to!
Ben!!!! Because I know him and he doesn't send me weird qoohs all the time.... Sorry will if this sounds mean...
U love riding Braydon! ;;)
All of them!
Tbh: your stunning, funny, great horse rider, good to have a talk to!!!!
They know who they are
I've got more than five and the really close ones I've lost
A person
9999999999999999999999999999191929383839394949594949488999999999999999999999999999991919293838393949495949494889999999999999999999999999999919192938383939494959494948899999999999999999999999999999191929383839394949594949488999999999999999999999999999991919293838393949495949494889 And maybe a few more
Thanks Sid!! Love you to Sid xxxxxxxoxx
Love you to em!! Xoxox
Maybe don't tag both of us ?
No one actually
Well maybe tell her to stop to Ben not just me.i won't regret anything
Your such a smartarśe aren't you? Well "darl" I don't go to the extreme and go on anon because I wouldn't care if I said it to your face. Well it was you because no one knows it was on Instagram you dumb bītch. Aha I don't know anyone named Karl stupid. God you think your so hilarious when actually you are the most stupid person for come backs or jokes.
Thanks will!!! The anon is probs Chelsea!
Oh what ever maybe u should leave me alone and Chelsea
Aha Chelsea just piss of u dumb bïtch stop writing it on anon.
No I'm not! Sid doesn't choose sides!
Love you em! X
Um whatever I don't care
I don't honestly! How am I being rude? She's the one that wouldn't own up for what she said when I owned up
I don't care what u have to say anon.
Nice, funny, good to talk to
Tbh: nice, funny, pretty and good horse rider!!!!!
There's a few!!!!
Mirrin, Sid, Georgia, Sarah, Britt, tilda and yeah
To many!
Umm you aren't? There's lost of great guys!
Because you put it on your username.
I reckon your talking about your self there.
Haha this is funny because guess what we were friends before they broke up so get your facts right before you start typing :).
Well you heard wrong...
Umm idk tbh :)
We love our puppy dogs don't we Sid?
Not yet....
Thanks :))
Eating food and scaring boys away!!! Lol
Hi will :)
Super pretty, really nice, I don't know you that well so I can't say much!!! Xx
Well yes but ATM we are well you could say fighting.
None of your business.
It involves you and Chloe
Well I have more than 3 so yeah. Soz
It's Chelsea and also it's kootstra. Tbh: Chelsea well we aren't as close because of things what are happening. Your really pretty, nice and soooooo funny. You always make me laugh even when I'm not feeling that good. Your really good at making seal noises ;) you are a great friend and we should work this out. Rate: 1000/10 u broke my scale.
Firstly I'm not into girls like wtf and secondly it's maddiline and thirdly it's Fraser dumb sh it
How are Maddi and chels invovled ? They shouldn't know what's gone on between u and Chloe and some how me! I honestly don't know what this is over anymore?? Is it over because I'm friends with Sid? Inbox me abbey we need to sort this out.
Abbey: 10/10, maddz: 10/10, chels: 10/10 and Sid 8/10
The tree duh!