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Bryce Anderson


Don't you dare

377 Replies

What are you addicted to?

This little thing called life

bryceandersons replied 3745 days ago

thoughts on jack commodore??

I don't know a jack commodore I know a Jack Commadeur plus I prefer fords

bryceandersons replied 3751 days ago

When you hick-up are you reminded of a redneck drinking?

Unfortunately yes, because I can't talk properly

bryceandersons replied 3752 days ago

What is your bank balance ?

Excuse me, what the **** is this question

bryceandersons replied 3752 days ago



bryceandersons replied 3763 days ago

we dsg


bryceandersons replied 3763 days ago



bryceandersons replied 3763 days ago



bryceandersons replied 3763 days ago

u 56

i am twelve

bryceandersons replied 3763 days ago

what atar do u want? and what atar do u think you'll get?

85.5, 60 haha

bryceandersons replied 3763 days ago

At what age do you want to get married ?


bryceandersons replied 3766 days ago

The fact there will be no more Bryssie is really quite depressing. Fix this. Now.

I fail to see how, do I have to fail my exams and stay in high school another year?

bryceandersons replied 3776 days ago

What do you like about the person you dating?

Well, I honestly thought that we had turned a corner with your last question, wishful and foolish thinking on my behalf, I'm afraid. Not only does this go back to your old style of asking ****ty questions, but is grammatically incorrect. For **** sake, it's 'you're dating' . Or 'you are dating' . It's not, 'you saying'. It makes you sounds like a Neanderthal, and at least they were bad at speaking because it hadn't been invented yet.

bryceandersons replied 3800 days ago

Would you give a homeless person CPR if they were dying? Why or Why not?

I would hope I wouldn't have to. It has been a very long time since I have done a CPR course, but I would hope I would help anyone out if they needed it. Btw, this is your new standard for questions to ask. Please don't disappoint me with another question about 'what I'm sorry for' or some ****. Not every user is three years old in mental capacity.

bryceandersons replied 3804 days ago

Game of thrones vs Vikings ?

Omg Is this really a question Your questions are always mundane at best. This, however, this is beyond my comprehension. Game of thrones I the correct answer, obviously. **** sake. ****s.

bryceandersons replied 3811 days ago