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go for gold :-))))))))))

163 Replies

I know of so many people who hate your guts. Youre not a nice person and should be ashamed of yourself. And you should probs lose weight

Awwww bless xxx

brydiehuson replied 3482 days ago

You are so fake. This relationship u r in, just for attention hey?

Hahahahahhaha l

brydiehuson replied 3482 days ago

Hang on a minute... I thought you were in a relationship with a gurl!!! So you're not gay???

Yes I am in a relationship but megs the only girl I've ever been with and probably would be with so idk call it what you want

brydiehuson replied 3482 days ago

I don't get you. You claim you want more friends but when people try to talk to you and give you time of day you act like your too good for them and that they aren't worth knowing though you don't know anything about them.

Okay for 1, I don't think I'm too good for anyone. If someone starts s h i t conversation then yeah I'm not gonna reply. Tell me who you are and I'll tell you why I don't reply :-)

brydiehuson replied 3482 days ago

Wait so ill come join use 2 are so $exy fck

Yeah 100%

brydiehuson replied 3482 days ago

You have an amazing rack :)

Thx thx thx

brydiehuson replied 3482 days ago

What mate you go from straight to gay? I admire you for it

Why do you admire me for it hahaha I'm not gay, megs just hot

brydiehuson replied 3482 days ago

Biggest regret?

No regrets :)

brydiehuson replied 3782 days ago

If you had to ask God a question what would it be?

Why the fĂșck am I so poor

brydiehuson replied 3812 days ago

Does Justin do you from the rear?

What's it to you

brydiehuson replied 3833 days ago

Ever had your heart broken? If so by who?

Mmmmmmmm secret

brydiehuson replied 3834 days ago

What turns you off in a person ?

If they treat me like aids

brydiehuson replied 3843 days ago

Can money buy love?

It can buy take away and I love take away so you do the math

brydiehuson replied 3856 days ago

you're f u c k i n g crook

You are r a t c h e t h o e

brydiehuson replied 3858 days ago

I'm scared to taste my bfs ***! Is it bad :(

Well you're a p u s s y then, it's ace

brydiehuson replied 3859 days ago