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Fᶸᶜᵏ knows :)
To get the money to go to Abbotts :)
Mmm... Let's see... I'm not one to kiss & tell unless i tell Kelly :$ hehe but yeahh i have :)
The way i treat "nice guys" & treat my brothers better since I'm their older sister -_- & they look up to me
Well, she is my si*ster* so... Do yew blame me for loving such an amazingly beautiful girl?
Angel ;;) think its the best ♡
Well... Just money from the family & kelly is taking me to gold reef... Other than that i don't think I'm getting anything else*
Captain Anonymous?? =))!
That's so shweet! Thanx hey!*
Thanx Kelly ... :*
Thanxx for the compliments ... But think the single life still has α while to go before i date any one ;) so ... I don't like being tied down unless its someone that i think is amazing... So... Yeah... Haven't gotten that person yet ;;) hoping to find him soon hehe MWAZIEZ!! Xx
Ƕεуу!!! Yew are not my leifi & neither am i urs... I know what my actaul liefi says... & how she talks & shizzz... & well... There is nothing that's the same other than 'liefi' ... Yew didn't get the 'yew' part right & the 'i' & your grammer ... Gawsh ... Nothing how my liefi chatz ;) thanx but no thanx -enjoy- :D mwazieZ!!! :*
Uhm... Who are yew...? Ping me & ill let yew know... :)
Hey sweetheart! :* thanx for the ١٥٧٤ added i feel it , feel it NOW!!!!! :* yew the best thanx for making me feel so special to have an amzing,*exy,funny,awesome si*ster* like yew that won't give up on me when times get tough! ١٥٧٤ yew with all my heart & i can't wait to spent that day with yew ... Counting the days ;) P.S... Will yew please phone my mommy ;;) some time about the 26th? She just wants the final arrangements -mwaziez-
Wtf! HAHAHAHA!!!! Oms! Made me laugh at my phone like α retard! - I'd like to know who yew are :P - mwaziezz!!**
Depends who yew are & if yew kEep the convo boring ... I don't like boring convos -_-
Thank yew!! :* ping me quick ♡
Yeah they have... But i just tell them to guess =D I'm not going to actually tell them what it is... :P
١٥٧٤ yew too Jarod
So apparently I'm *exy now *GaSp*
SHWEET Thanx! So do i!!!! GASP* ping me quick ;):)
I don't date guys my age because older guys are more mature & have more experience of being with α girl...*
That's cute lovie
How does that work cze of the overload
An awesome guy!!! :P
I'm sure i don't have an eye in my hand :P, Na just kidding... Thanx sweetie ... I guess :*
Omf! Then we must be really *exy!!! Hahahaha! :P xx
Hahahaha! Tell me about it!! Shweet right? ;) ╔╗╔╦══╦╗╔╦══╦╗╔╦══╗ ║╚╝║╔╗║╚╝║╔╗║╚╝║╔╗║ ║╔╗║╔╗║╔╗║╔╗║╔╗║╔╗║ ╚╝╚╩╝╚╩╝╚╩╝╚╩╝╚╩╝╚╝!
١٥٧٤ yew to my loved one ! Xx & same goes with your name :* mwaziezzz!! Xx
Ω̴ωεڪ☺♏ε!!!! Well hope yew enjoyed that then! Hahahahaha!
Then why ask if yew know the answer??? *GASP*
Captain Obvious strikes again shweet (y)