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Cool story champ
i dunno if they will agree but Jessy Morris Phe Thomas Tess Murnane Taylah Mac Teaghy Avery
why does it matter
10s: Em Cahill Phe Thomas, Lisha Clark Tara Kuludrovic TMac Jess Joyce 11s 12s
leave abby
QUEEN PHE: havent known her for long but she is a gem, pretty attractive and shares her food with me :) CLARKO: very attractive, cannot sing to save herself ;) great person on general, been talking more than we ever have : T-MAC: love love love tmac, great person, had ups and downs drifted a bit but shes beaut, what a gem MOZ: basically my sister, love her to bits CINDALYN: dont really talk much but shes absaloutly hillarious
my butthole
well no
what is it to you ?
hes a really nice bloke, can be annoying sometimes but every can get annoying so that doesnt matter to much, absaloute stoner ;)
boot of shelvin ! you always ask this
josh trevethan logan donnely sam taylor casey dewar jackson hallo half the upwey side, half the rowville side ben henderson
your the best anon
I joel
Woaaaaah, hahahha who is this ?
Probs not
I think your gay
Jake, the rest are ****
have done both
joel: not sure wrighty: no one jessie : meaghs
dont reall know him, soz
i am, i think at walker? and like scoresby and fairhills and shiiit
Best : Joel Robertson Niraj DeSilva Lincoln Wong Jordan Roberts Luke Smith Jessie Smyth Most Enjoyable: Luke Smith Joel Robertson Jessie Smyth
those 3 girls are 3 of the loveliest people i know. Tessy- been one of my closest friends for a while now, can trust her with anything and everything Meaghs- K Steffi- used to talk alot but now we dont talk as much as we used to bad luck meaghs, inbox me ;)
is this the bloke who asked about cricket ?
You and thats it
chuck us an inbox pal!
well im sorry if ive hurt you anon,
jayden purdon joel robertson uhm dont have to many tbh
i play netball because its fun and youmeet so many new people through it, mainly good looking girls btw.
ahhh tess, use to have another one, but we had a fight :/
loves abit of matty lincoln tbh
uhm like mainstream or any?
mojority of them were pretty gay tbh :P
not really sian.
chan hayls
havent really talked to her, but shes a mint baller
there great
idk i do t think she wants to
ahh sometimes but not as much as is like
girls - taylah lani mixed- teaghy mads tays
this year? ehhh ill do both, steffi brittany lani mads teaghs channing errrm ahhh tays
bakery cafe feild sports raquet sports
taylah- so beautiful and pretty, nice funny and who died ?
silka- pretty, hillarious and nice
estella- dont really talk
whats a flog
not really
turn ons
- smells nice
- not Bit**y
- can handle playing sport
- has a good personality
- had peircings
turn offs
- smokes
- drinks alot
- thinks there top shi*
- ratty
- has there dress all the way up there as*
thanks anon
some are aight most are annoying
1. Taylah M
2. Tesssy M
3. Alisha C
4. Madi Simpson
5.Teaghan Avery
6.Jesssy M
7.Tiarna Ansons
yeah i do actually
i only know like 5 of them ahah but steff, tessy, lish and the other tall defender
ahahahaha uhm what? why would i do that?
lol no, i hardly even talk to maddie.
hmmm i wonder who this is ;)
maddie, arizona, emily, tatum, kath ;)
uhm i have a few narrow it dowm
who is uuut
is this ish ?
no and yes there will be plenty of opportunities
its only my second year of 16's im sure there will be more oppurtunitys.
ahahha what ?
hahaha barkla the dooooog, and no not my career ahah whos this, inbox me lerl
ahahah alright my bad
Britt Miller
Mady Mcgaw
Teaghan Avery
Lani Ward
Nikki Mckissak
Mikayla Nicholson
and the rest were in ladies that i didnt know there names
wert ?
its mint
- Nikki Mickissak
- Mady Mcgaw
- Teaghan Avery
- Taylah Fiddes
-Lani Ward
well, my maths teacher sent a letter home to my da saying that my behaviour in maths has been 'unecceptable'. ahaha hoe
jacks a funny guy, can play cricket and a good mate