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ask me fegits

2.2k Replies

If money was no concern, what would you do for the rest of your life?

Travel with a bunch of cool people

c_woodyyyy replied 3295 days ago

What would you call your autobiography?

fck btches get money

c_woodyyyy replied 3299 days ago

Whats your taste, like I know u like tall brunettes, but like do you like a classy one, a lad, a swag king, a stoner, q hipster etc.?

I like tall brunettes, with tattoos/stretchers/piercings for some reason... With not a completely $exual personality, like they can have nice conversations with me and talk about cool sht.

c_woodyyyy replied 3306 days ago

Nah now its weird as, shouldn't have been a little btch and msgd u on qooh me ahah :'(

Hahaha trust me it's fine

c_woodyyyy replied 3306 days ago

We actually used to inbox ages ago

Then Go for it!

c_woodyyyy replied 3306 days ago

Buttt we dont know each other rly

Just inbox me Its ok!

c_woodyyyy replied 3306 days ago

Ive wanted you for years tbh

Inbox me :)

c_woodyyyy replied 3306 days ago

You're so perf

That's very kind of you

c_woodyyyy replied 3306 days ago

pick up ya sauce ya gross mutt x

OK Yeah sorry babes

c_woodyyyy replied 3307 days ago

Hey forget about the upsetting inboxes, theyre not fukking game enough to tell you in person. Bunch of fukkheads on this i swear hahahaha

Thank you! I'm honestly sick to death of people telling me what he's up to. It's achieves nothing but making me upset. I don't need to know! Hahah

c_woodyyyy replied 3307 days ago

But if there a rebound why would they spend time together if he was just using her, maybe your just alittle jealous of her

Cause that's what people do sometimes? Try and fill the gap. When you're with someone for so long you're not used to being on your own. It's exactly how I am right now, I've lost the person who I thought was my soul mate and its hard to be alone cause I'm used to always having someone there. Good for him if everything works out with her but I don't believe you need to be telling me this because I'm trying to move on? All this is achieving is upsetting me. I know he's found someone else and maybe I have too? Unfortunately I think I met the right person at the wrong time and it does hurt so can you show a little more empathy and stop writing this sht. I'm not jealous of her I'm just hurt. He even told me when we broke up that all the sht he was doing was to fill the hole that I left and to get over me, that he would always love me, that he would probably cheat on his next girlfriend with me if he ever got one. We did have something once in a life time and even though he's with someone else that won't erase what we did have. I've never cared and loved someone so much in my life, But it's over now and I've moved on as best as I can. So has he so hopefully everyone can just leave me the fck alone about it :)

c_woodyyyy replied 3307 days ago

From what I've heard he really likes Taylor, how do you feel knowing that somebody you loved for so long is now sleeping with and sharing that with someone else?

Don't see why you're going out of your way to intentionally upset me?.. Obviously it's ting killing me but its just shown me that I can move on and find someone who will appreciate me :)

c_woodyyyy replied 3307 days ago

Why would you call her a rebound, if she was why would they be seeing eachother

You can still be seeing someone even if they're a rebound. People seem to forget we were together for 2 years not 2 months. He wouldn't be completely over me that fast not to sound up myself bahah

c_woodyyyy replied 3307 days ago

Harley's with a new girl already

Good for him... He told me when we broke up that he would always love me and every girl he would be with, his mind would still be on me. Silly of him to be seeing someone so fast, should get his issues on track first lol. Not just grab hold of a rebound so fast. His lose anyway, he's fcking up his own life. I tried to be there but wasn't enough so now I'm living my life and it's actually great!

c_woodyyyy replied 3308 days ago

did you know Harley and that girl Taylor are sleeping together

Don't know why you feel the need to post this, are you trying to make me feel like sht? Hahaha it's quite obvious that they are but oh well I've gotten on with my life and I'm doing what I please also.

c_woodyyyy replied 3308 days ago