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That there is a reason for everything
Fake as hell Just saying. But if they are real, good for her
I don't know and I don't ****ing care
I think she was great... But I find that she isn't a role model for me
Hey anon! My thoughts? Well. I suppose that it's really hard because as a teen (especially boys) it's on your mind a bit. I don't have a problem with *ex. It's an enjoyable thing. I just think that going around having *ex with everything and anything that moves (or doesn't. I mean some people like dead people ;)) is kind of disconcerting but it's not my place to judge Remember: Make love not war
Hey I was three I didn't know I was being to **** Don't you think I know that already? God. I spend everyday blaming myself and hurting about this So, you're right.maybe I should kill myself so all you c-u-n-t-a can be rid of my stupid murderous self
I'd love to
Come visit me ! Id be honoured to see you.
Uhm. Im straight. soz brahhh.
Because he\'s too good for me.
My beautiful Gabby! Thank you so much. I miss you too! How are you!?
f***ing ward
Nice bbg.
None of your business. I thank you for your concern but i dont need to confide in an anon
Have you?
Thanka baby <3
i love you
Thanks babbby.
Ive been told so many times to, you are wastibg your breath (:
First. Im not emo.
Cutting is a mental illness