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whats happening

426 Replies

If you were to die and come back as a person or thing, what do you think it would be?

kim k

caitlin.j replied 3221 days ago

What is your motto?

fries before guys

caitlin.j replied 3225 days ago

Last great thing you did ?

slept for a whole day

caitlin.j replied 3237 days ago

What cheers you up ?

dollar bills yo

caitlin.j replied 3249 days ago

Would you rather be ugly and live forever or Hot and live for a year ?


caitlin.j replied 3252 days ago

Best compliment you ever received ?

"you look and dance like Gillian Murphy" i actually died

caitlin.j replied 3256 days ago

A Moment in your life you not proud of ?

dating guys :'))

caitlin.j replied 3258 days ago

What's the worst thing you've ever done?

dated guys

caitlin.j replied 3259 days ago 1

What is your current mood and why ?

deliriousssss bc over tired as usual lol

caitlin.j replied 3264 days ago

What is the greatest thing about being single ?

you get the whole bed to yourself and don't have to share your food

caitlin.j replied 3273 days ago

What's missing in your life ?


caitlin.j replied 3276 days ago

Is your year going great ?

lets go with yes

caitlin.j replied 3279 days ago

How do you want people to treat you ?

i don't, i hate people

caitlin.j replied 3281 days ago

Rate yourself out of 10


caitlin.j replied 3286 days ago

Which song do you think you repeated the most ?

wrapped around your finger by 5sos according to my itunes

caitlin.j replied 3288 days ago