caitlin cooney
What is your biggest fear?
That my kids aren't happy :'(
What's one thing you wish you could do every single day?
Sleep in and watch movies in bed #mumlife
Do you send topless snap chats?
Wouldn't you like to know!!
What's your snapchat name?
You look like you have a nice rack.
You get that from my face?!
Do you like an***?
Would you like something up your as*!? Neither would I!!!✌️
Why is Rowan never been around your daughter? What happened that made him never been in her life?
He is an immature **** that can "****" but not face what happens after!! He can Godiva himself for all I care!! Over him so stop asking about him
What are your thoughts on brendan power?
From what I remember,he was always really nice and he's cute as :)
What pisses you off the most?
Rude aragent people and my fiancé ✌️
What do u miss right now??
My mum and my brothers and sister
What are u doing right now???
Picking a song for Ellie and I to keep dancing to :)
Miss you to beautiful xo ❤️
If you could change something what would it be??
The size of my nose!!!
The biggest mistake you made in your life?
Letting go of important people for other people!!! Or just losing someone that once meant a lot
What's going in in your life right now that u want to change!????
A lot!!!!
Who was your childhood best friend?
Had a few hah
Don't you Think you could do better then him?
Then who?
You are the most beautiful girl ever, if only I could do better for you! You'll always be in my heart baby, i love you ! Xx from annon .
I love you baby xoxo ❤️
You've screwed ya life, and marriage at 18 even worse lol
My life is perfect :)
Hahah awks moment when I'm not married
Had a 3sum
Wouldn't you like to know hahah
Why aren't you dee friends anymore? Weren't youse bestfriends?
We are friends but because we live so far away from each other it's hard!! But I'll always love her ❤️
How do you feel about everyone insulting and abusing Rowan 24/7?
I think it's pathetic, him and have sorted our **** out and what goes on between is is between us. Yes he is Ellie's real dad but so what if he isn't ready Ellie is happy and had a father figure so back off him
What is the one thing u can't live without??
Brad and ellie
Your hot wanna bonk
I don't think my fiancé would like that very much and to be honest I have a great *ex life so haha nah mate I'm good!! Thanks tho very flattering
Do you have any regrets?
Not at all, you should never regret anything you do because it makes you the person you are and you should be greatfull for the life you have because there is always someone worse off then you!!
Best memory from growing up?
Can't pick I had an amazing childhood!!:)
Name a few people you wish you were still really close mates too and why?
Lainey, cause she is like my sister and always will be.
Dee, cause I've known her for 11-12 years and I miss her
Karli: same as dee
Why doesn't Rowan see the baby
I don't know ask him!!
Are you single? xx
Haha wouldn't you like to no
Do you miss Rowan at all though? Like I don't wanna intrude but it must mean something to you that your baby belongs to him..
Yes it means a lot to me, so I miss him yes as a person but do I miss miss him no I don't miss our relationship haha we both profer to stay mates
Where you living now?
Who are you and wouldn't you like to no
Top 3 people you miss?
Only 3 hahah
Do you regret Rowan knocking you up?
I wouldn't take it back for the world, Ellie means everything to me and I'm glad I fell pregnant with her
Right does everyone wanna stop talking about my daughter. She is ****ing not even 18 months old. I don't no why you find the need to do such but if you have a problem do feel free to send me a message or inbox.
Cheers caitlincooney
Then I guess I've ended up looking like an idiot.. Whoops JuJetsuBilly
Hahah it's okay I'll lend you my crown if you need it. But I need that **** back. Can't be the boss of the house without a crown
I don't even own a crown.. Whose gay now ;) JuJetsuBilly
Hahah still you!! I even own one!! ✌️
Hahah aw thank you :)
A King come before a Goddess, there for I still win! JuJetsuBilly
Hahah no... I'm a god your just a gay guy wearing a crown :/ hahaha jks
Even better. I'm the monopoly king ✔️ JuJetsuBilly
Doubtful... But that's okay because I'm the monopoly goddess :)
Haha nah, I rather manopaly #soznotsoz
Your my soul mate <3 YBD
Um k.
Just because Ellie has little rolls doesn't make her 'overweight'. At least she's not under fed and unhealthy. She's a happy baby. x Bec1231
Exactly :)
I find it disgusting that just because you don't like Caitlin you have to bully her 1 year old daughter? Like how disgusting can you people get? Bec1231
Thanks bec :)
You are doing such an amazing job with ellie, im sick of people picking on you as well as a 1year old baby girl! There all sick fu.cks. Ellie is so cute and a cubby bubby is a health bubby! Love you caitlin <3 xoxo CookiieeMonster
Love you Emily <3 thanks baby girl
Way too immature to have a child.
Your way to immature to have an opinion!!
Ellie is not overweight, she is a gorgeous little girl. I think you silly people should keep your mouths shut before karma gets you because karma is the biggest ***** you will ever know. Pull your heads out of your ****ing arses! JessMaree98
Thanks beautiful :)
Your the most amazing person in the world. I love you with all my heart, and never let anybody tell you, that you ain't beautiful. Because you are baby, so smile <3 YBD
Who are you??
Your an awesome mum and friend! Anyone wants to say different let them because oversily it's because they are jelouse, <3
Keep your chin up pretty lady and get in your happy place and stay there **** what people think! Xx
Who is this??
Thank you do much :')
Haha I'll inbox you who this is. :)
Everyone! Ellie is overweight! Simple as that if a doctor has told you otherwise there wrong, you will notice only an overweight baby without a super caring mum and dad cant walk and will only crawl, **** i feel sorry for you caitlin, you dumb ****!!!
Ellie is not over weight she is perfect weight for her hight, just because she has chubby cheeks and legs doesn't mean she is over weight, every single god damn baby develops differently you moron.
She is only 12 kilos you dumb ****. Don't feel sorry for me, I have a perfect life with a perfect baby girl :) thanks for caring tho
**** one marry one kill one
(Let's face it, you'd **** them all)
Brandon Lillis
Jack James
Jordan Waycott
**** brad
Marry brad
kill you.
Who do you like more out of Rowan and Henge? Who's most popular? Who's funniest? Who's most attractive? What makes them such good friends?
Henge!! Because Rowan is a selfish dog!! That cares about nothing more then himself and I hope you tell him this. I hate him and never want to see him again. He is nothing and never will be anything hahah don't no what I ever saw in him
I think your disgusting for getting drunk and having party's with your friends and letting them get pissed as **** around your daughter, I've been told by someone who come to your house with some friends that you do, bad mother
Awks moment when I don't drink unless my mum has Ellie for the night or something and then even then I don't really drink :)
My god some people are so f ucked in the head, they're not looking deep enough into a situation that's obviously come up and just assume that you're the worst parent on the earth!
Ellie is a gorgeous little fatty boombar!
Thank you :)
Honestly people really need to stop giving you ****, ever baby is chubby, I know I was a chubby baby haha, just don't listen to those poo****s. :)
Who are you??
Thank you tho : most babies are chubby lol even all the haters
All these kunts that are giving Caitlin ****, grow the **** up! Either keep your opinion to yourself or go jump. Caitlin is not perfect but she's obviously a much better person then you!
Who are you??
Thank you :)
All these people being **** heads to a baby who has only just turned 1, how low can people get? What do they expect you to do starve your child so shes not healthy and has no baby fat? Bet these people no nothing about raising kids.
Thank you :)
**** the haters huni ellies a cutie who cares if she's chubby at least she's healthy happy and loved. its just clear that no one has a life so there for they pick on you **** them your an amazing mum :), xo
Thank you Jess :)
My new baby cousin is turning 1 in a few days and she can't walk. You people are a pack of uneducated ****heads. get a life. I feel sorry for your children to have ****up parents like you. Caitlin don't let them get your down
Thank you:)
Each child develops differently so if she's walking or not has nothing to do with her weight. She looks like a bright and happy child, you've grown and matured so much since becoming a mum, you're doing so well!
Who are you?:)
Thank you so much <3
No one knows how you are with Ellie yet they're being so cruel? They don't spend each minute with you and know how you take care of her, oh but she's chubby so you're a bad mum? Most bubs are.
Thank you :)
You and your daughter are beautiful.
Don't listen to what these low life ****s say!
<3 Caaitlynx
Thank you <3
Good job with brad haha I love you oh no I love you oh no I love you haha get in the real world girl.
Did you even read that before you sent it hahah :)
Maybe you should have your license so you can actually take your kid places for **** sake
My daughter goes everywhere I do!! How about shut the **** up
I think you are so strong to have a baby at your age, birth is a beautiful thing, why mater about age ? Ellie is adorable ! Every baby you see is a little chubby ? doesn't mean there fat ! **** them haters ! ZoeMcEachern
Thank you so much :) <3
Can you please tell lainey to stop posting selfies she is a fat ugly ***** nobody wants to see her face
Tell her yourself maybe? I think she is beautiful
Wtf is with people saying Ellie's overweight and unhealthy She's a beautiful chubby baby and it's gonna b better for her if she gets sick has something to fall back on.
People need to take a good hard look at themselves before they start picking on others.
Who are you??
Thank you :)
Ellie would be so much more better off with her father. Yeah Rowan wouldn't win father of the year, but he'd be way better for her than you. Only reason he isn't more involved is beause he can't deal with you.
If Ellie was with her **** of a after she wouldn't survive.
Ellie lives get mum and I love her more then you will ever understand!!
I can't deal with him there for he will no longer be classed as a dad just a drug ****ed loser :)
Why don't you have your license
Why is that your concern??
They're only using your child to get to you because they can't pick out anything else nasty to say because you're a good person, and a good mother. Chubby babies are HEALTHY babies. Its not like your starving and neglecting her. People are stupid. Aimzylee
Thank you Amy :) <3 xx
have you noticed laineys gained quite alot of weight lately
Do I care??
You don't even care about the health of your child? what kind of mother are you? Your daughter looks so unhealthy you stupid *****. Do something about it before you lose your child.
My child is healthy!!
Can your fat piece of **** daughter even walk yet
Hahaha my fat peace of **** daughter!! Who the **** do you think you are??
How about take it off anonymous you weak ****!!
When you help someone, do you ever think, “What’s in it for me?”
Why dont you get a car you silly twat, your baby needs a responsaaaaable parent ****y slu t s lut. No 1 likes u. Go shove another cu***ber up ya snatch
Awkward moment when I have a car lol!!
That's fine if no one likes me, I wasn't put in this earth to impress anyone especially people like yourself. Haha yep I'm totally a **** and put vegetation in my snatch lol!! If your so tough inbox me with your name!:)
What is missing in your life?
A license :/ -.-
have you noticed laineys gained quite alot of weight lately
Do I care??
What would you do this year If you had no fear ?
Kill a certain person
What happened to that Tyson kid
He dogged me
Laineys a fat cun t
Your opinion
What did she steal from you? Haha
And you forgot hairy
Forgot hairy?
Ellie isn't even overweight? She's a baby for Christ sake. You's must feel great pretty much picking on a 1 year old for being 'overweight'.
She's no where near being overweight just because she's a little chubby, 95% of baby's are chubby. Bec1231
I'd rather a chubby baby, if she gets sick she has something to fall back on!! She isn't overweight she is perfect size
atleast she didnt have an abortion or give her child away to another family
why do you hate her? did she do something? cause i hate her too :)
She is a fat lying dog that steals
Are people seriously calling your daughter fat? She's how old?
Society is ****ed bradwyhoon
Yeah they are,she was 1 yesterday hahah yeah this works is ****ed
What have you learned today?
That I hate being away from my boyfriend for a night
One boy you wish you could take back?
One girl you with you could be friends with agai?
And probably dee pullbrook
Thoughts on Bec Norman?
Mad chick <3
What's wrong with Krystal Flanders?
Don't no don't care I hate that mole. Nuff said
Don't you agree that your baby is very overweight and that you should be managing that? Just wondering is all..
You must be a ****head to think my daughter is over weight. She is perfect size for her age!!
Did you hear rowan and Brit boothroyd ****ed last weekend ;))
No bur good on him:) getting a root hahah *high five*
I wanna punch you you in the boo* so hard that you cry rainbow coloured tears!
Thank you :)
Thoughts on the CCG people?
Rowan Williams, Kayle Hansen, Krystal Humphrey and kristal flanders.
All amazing and love then all to bits :) <3 except Kristal Flanders she is a dog Mutt *****
Who do you like better and why?
Alyssa Brown or Lainey Bennett?
Lainey Bennett.
Alyssa brown is a dog
Thoughts on Jess James? Be honest because I ****inf hate the stupid *****.
She is amazing,you clearly don't no her cause if you did you would know she is the most caring kind person :) love her to bits
can u queef? i want it on my face
**** off Lainey haha :)
Who do you like more out of henge and rowan then? Who's the more popular one out of them? Most attractive? Funniest? What makes them such good friends? Random question yet again sweetie :-)
Not answering that!!
The top 3 roots is just abit of fun :-) I don't mean to offend you by asking it, just a random question!
Are you ever gonna have another kid with rowan?
What's Ellie's full name? I'm sorry I don't mean to be rude but I don't know :(
Ellie rose Williams cooney