Josh us paralyzed...
do you mean 'is'
Thoughts on damian piggatto
Heard bout JOSH BULTE
What about him
thoughts baby doll xxx amygardner_
so beautiful, funny as, bestfriend can tell you anything and always there for me when no one else is!❤️❤️
What was with molly today? dont say she has problems and sh*t everyone knows shes a liar. Shes trying to make us feel sorry for her. Cant she tell everyone hates her! dont worry bout b*tches like her Caity Worry bout the more popular ppl like me! Xxxxx
She's having problems and pretty sure she's not lieing. Yeah sure I'll worry about you when I punch you in the face
pretty as, funny nice as same class and so good to talk to!
Pretty as, funny as, good to talk to, close friend and should talk more at school! xxx
Are you not single?????
I am I was just saying that it would be weird for anyone who's not
What is the greatest thing about being single ?
This is a weird question for anyone who's not single
What's missing in your life ?
Some food
Kara Chels Jas Ellie Laurennnn
thoughts on zahra
Neymars bae
Is your year going great ?
nice as, funny, pretty, should talk more at school x
Favourite year 9?
Not maicy
Would you be creeped out if a year 7 girl from Goulburn valley grammar added u on snapchat?
no it's not like they are gonna track me down or anything
You are gorgeous!!!! xx
hahaha not even x
How do you want people to treat you ?
Like Beyoncé
nice funny and good to talk to
aw! omg your pp is stunning!! xcx EbonyCorbo
your stunning xx
do you luv cutting yourself
never done it
Rate yourself out of 10
I brake the scales biatch
Are you meeting up with Rachele and briana on Wednesday?
Are you friends with Hayley Rennie?
yeah love Hayley
in your Instagram bio it says e.w
Emily Wilson
who's ew
make sense please
Hottest year 7 and 8 boy?
Which song do you think you repeated the most ?
How do you know her?
she added me on sc and started talking to me
Are you friends with Rachele Perry?
What type of people bored you ?
people who always talk about there selves
Do u like Damien
as a friend yeah
What do you hate about yourself ?
nothing I'm fabulous
Thoughts- ty
nice, funny, hot, good to talk to and can trust you
your pp is goalss!!!!! Xx
your goals xxx
What do you want right now ?
some food would be nice
How do you deal with a break up ?
cry and eat
Are you a selfish person ?
these questions are getting stupider and stupider
Sure sure
telling the truth u little hoe:)
Go for it u probably used it as a díldo before u used it
nah Bae never used a di*do xx
No çûńt
yes babe I'll get u one x x x
shut your raving mouth anon. Caity is an absolute babe and is not a $lut. and if that's what you think get help and go to a mental institution ily bae. xxxx chelsea.b
HAHAHHA Chelsea you always know what to say. I love you so much babe xxxxx
Na I'm right ćüńt
think u do babe
Your such a słü you fùcking fãggot ÿou have probably had séx before and if you have then your a full blown słût ćùńt
need a pad?
Thoughts about Game of thrones season 5 finale ?
aww ilysm caity. xxxxxx chelsea.b
love you too Chelsea xxxx
most beautiful girl I know, so funny, one of bestfriends, can trust you, always there for me, cute with you know who and always cheers me up even if I'm sad!! ilysm babe xxxx
Would you be creeped out if I snapchatted u?
yes I would
How do you deal with someone with bad breath?
I don't talk to them
What activity always makes you lose track of time?
Which movie s*cked for you this year ?
What is the longest you have gone without taking a bath?
I take showers
Did you and josh bulte go out
If you had to get Married at the age made up by the last two Digits of your phone number How old would u be?
How doe caity know where to go to help dumbass
yeah ahha I know who said it anyway aha
Wtf are u dumb, if someone is in trouble what do u do and they r in a bad situation is that your advice get a knife, usually if u wanna save someone's life you help them smart one
says the one who can't spell
Hey caity im really scared that someone is going to come hurt me tonight. They have issues but im really scared something is gonna happen and I dont wanna close my eyes and sleep or do anything. Im so scared. What do I do? :( xxx
grab a knife, wish you luck man
Top 3 - Nicest boys, funniest boys and hottest boys at Notre
nicest- Anthony, Luke and Damien. funniest- nick marco and Mitch. hottest- Luke, Damien and zav
Who was the last person to break your heart ?
dad cos he ate the last donut
Fav year 8s from wanga
Briar, Annelise, liarna, ethan, Ella
Who was your first crush ?
jhett in grade 2
omg I don't think caity gives a **** about what you think about her skins and why does it matter to you if she has 2xus? who gives a fûćk? xxx Nsmzsljrbejkzk
ily babe xxxx
Wtf leave Caitlin alone. That is the most stupidest thing o have ever heard HAHAHAH OMG love you xo lexyandronacoo
I know do you really need to be that pathetic? HAHAH love you too xxxx
seriously anon f*** off caitlin doesn't give a hell abt being popular and yet she is so leave her alone she' perfect in every way ! x siret_malhi
love you siret xxxx
guys wtf leave Caitlin alone you spastics, get a life - Loz xxxxx
love you twitch eye ;) xxxxx
Omfg HAHAHHAAH your like legit poor. You have those ugly 3 quarter skins that you were to school on days off just to make your as* poke out can u even buy 2xus like popular people have
Lel I know who this is
guys leave caity alone, she doesn't have to have everything popular maybe she wanted to be different. shut the fu*k up and leave my bby alone. xx chelsea.b
thanks chels x
Kara loves Jordan aye
Chelsea Jack?
no this is Patrick
Hey Caitlin, who's this Paige girl? She's creepy af xx
dunno ahah x
Why is it orange in the picture? :)
Did she dye her hair orange?
no haha
Was that Chelsea in your story with the Orange hair?
What profession would you not like to do?
nice, funny, pretty and good to talk to x
nice, funny and cute with tyler
mean:( but I honestly love you so much, you are my bestest friend, so beautiful, gets all the boys, I can trust you, so funny and I can be misled around you because we are both retards, love you chicka❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
Your pic is to die for, anyone who hates you would be jealous by that picture because it is so friking pretty xx
Aw thankyou so much xx
Thoughts on sadie xxx Sadie_b
Nice as, funny, pretty and should talk more x
Something you regret buying and why ?
School supplies cos I hate school
Out of all your friends, which one is the best singer?
Charlie's your fav aye?
Who does charlie like
Who knows
Really pretty, nice as, only met a few times and should talk way more bb xx
Bestfriend, love you so much, pretty as and best to sc xxxx
Leave caity alone she can invite who ever she wants... It's not your choice! love you Caity xxxx Claudiarusso1
Love you babe xx
Then again, rubys hot af, she's got massive t*** you can see them through her shirt! She's hotter than Claudia