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pee on the toilet
lol ew.
everything is a mistake.
none of yo business
ye ok
i wouldn't want to hurt their feelings so i wouldn't.
what wouldn't i do..
well, i like cats but then there is Koalas hard choice..
she's almost 18.
um.. Matt B Tom P Lucas N Lucas A an i can't remember who else is in my class :)
oh lol.
um like 3 years max?
why would i date someone younger..
i'd rather older..
that's my little secret (:
Isabella is honestly the best girl, she perffff and she ma thumb <3
why would i know..
haha thanks and sorry most of the time i am a ***** :)
yep ok
i said hi.. wow that totally says "oh my Will you're perf i love you."
hahaha lol.
thats a secret.
okk fanks
no way..
ayy, u hrt my feelinz :( it's only sweg dnt rlly care
(no order)
1. Kiara Sellers
2. Isabella Bourchier
3. Charlotte Coccia
4. Amy Davis
5. Ella Boilee
6. Jordan Pap
7. Kayne Goldsworthy
8. Will Seaweed
9. Tenisha Macneil
10. Holly Q
not sure, if you give me a list of names i could answer :)
kayne is like amazing, he's super funny and he's probably the person who makes me happiest :)
ummmmmmmmmmmmmmmm idk haha
Bailey is super nice and funny haha he's so cute on skype :P
firstly idk who you are, secondly i think i've given up on boys..
um yeah okay haha
your amazing! your perfect as! best body really pretty and just omg perfect !! but you just need to do a back flip ahaha
:( yeah i know everyone loves da vagg.
well, i like the boys who aren't asking for.. you know rude photos they have to be nice and caring :)
hahha depends.
Sure ill swap but good luck with the bullies. :)
hahah alright
13, i am 14 in October.
thanks :)
haha just inbox me then ?
idk who this is but love you too haha <3 :)
honestly, i would listen to anyone don't mind what it's about if you need someone to talk to just inbox me i'm always here to talk or for some advise.
everyone has a different side to them.
not anymore, i don't care if everyone knows anymore i don't have many friends but i don't care at least i still have the best ones.
honestly, i just want to fade away.. as i always get told no one likes me and i'm a "slu*" just because i have had too many boyfriends because i'm so f***ing stupid i have messed up my life and everyday i'm getting called a attention seeker because i use to always cut myself.
sozza bby Emma Bells my beautiful cat twin. <3
fair enough.
Amy, Ella, Isabella, Kiara, Britney, Shandice, Tenisha, Bailey, Tegan and moreeee.
um, idk.
not sure, my clas* is pre shi*.
uh i em veri sori bby
um no?
inbox me
hhahaha alright settle down.
no way!!
hey i think your amazing
thank you. xx
idk i guess.
awww Lauren <3
oh my gowwddd that tots hurttt myyy soffttt litttleee feelingsss
hahahahah, i'm going to brake my neck!! oh that's good i love cabins caravans are annoying as!!
Floyd is awesome but he doesn't talk to me anymore so i don't really know this Floyd Sampson kid anymore?
oh yeah miss you too!! true ! but we have to do back flips on the jumping pillow remember! haha <3
love you to anonnnnnn <3
ummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm who's this..
because. i. thought. it. was. too. awkward. between. me. and. him. yep. k. bye. :)
read above.
omg yes caitlinmiranda9
yes.. caitlinmiranda9
i don't have a boyfriend.
yes, caitlinmiranda9