It's funny that you can be friends with someone who is friends with someone you don't like/hate yet if someone you were friends with was friends with someone you hate it's all world war 3
English please
Send what ever you what to katkyn she always bags you out lolol. First you take Maddie away from Kristal now Katlyn can't you just let Kristal be happy? Hippocrite
Kristal can be happy I'm doing nothing lol so why don't u leave and Maddie and I have been friends since I was in year 1 so I didn't do sht so leave
If you take Caitlin away from kristal your dead
Ah I'm allowed to talk and hang out with katlyn if kristal has a problem with that that's stuffed I'm not doing anything wrong and I won't take her away lol katlyn is allowed to be friends with me so back off and u know this was sent to katlyn :)
I was with Kristal last night she was allowed at the party but didn't wanna go and she wasn't invited to that girls party we were on our way to baileys party till I started vomiting so don't even mention Kristals name in anything ****
Good for u and Kristal lol FK if u wanna say sht put ur name on it inbox me ****
What was the last thing that got stolen from you?
My chips ?
I heard u and Caitlin talkn shtt about Krystal and Jess why? Not starting anything x and what we're you saying
Me and katlyn weren't talking sht lol I just asked why Kristal wasn't aloud at the party last night lol
Ur a pathetic idiot. All you do is bag people out! You and Jess are the same use will be friends soon you're disgusting. Having $ex with cost mcihell yucky cu nt
Lol ur the pathetic **** writing on here and not inboxing me and can u spell ?
Good for you, I'm happy with my life now with my family, bestfriend and boyfriend. Actually thought we could be civil with each other and put the past behind but nah you can't handle that. AbbyMaxwell_00
I can be civil but not when your starting sht for no fcken reason!
hah I'm pretty sure you've done that lolol, drinking with Abby ? half a cruiser drunk? hmm seems legit ? you don't even know the whole story so pls FK up zoe.lawless69
Hahaaha I haven't even drunk with her the only
I have gotten drunk is this year so please shut the fck up
Actually no you ignored me for ages before that. Oh and sorry but I'd rather him more than you because he's actually bestfriend material unlike you AbbyMaxwell_00
Good for him ? I care why stop starting sht that don't need to be started and I'm happy with the friendship I have with my Bestfriend better than our friendship ever was and would have ever been
tbh: I do not like you, you cause beef for no reason, you hate me bc of Ryan and he didn't do anything to you at all!! what is your problem? you're so stupid and omg you make me angry ??? zoe.lawless69
I didn't ask for your stupid TBH so leave and then why did he come to my door Step when I broke up with him to take me back with his nan huh I really don't care it's the past lol and u make me angry oh I'm Zoe and I pass out with one drink good on u
Why do you hate me so much like fck what have I done to you AbbyMaxwell_00
Because u where rude and through our friendship away like it was nothing just for a boy and it was the boy I actually liked
When did you wake up and find out you hated yourself
I've always hated my self
What are you trying to prove to yourself?
That I can do it without people I once thought I couldn't
Don't talk much anymore but ur nice and yeah xx
Leave Caitlyn alone aye. She was defending a friend you don't have to be an asswhole so stfu!! Xx Madi.stole.ur.COOKIES
Love u
fck off and leave Zoe alone you dumb ****, just because you have beef with her bro don't mean you have to take it out on Zoe. So get a life ****
Hahahahaha dose she get u to do her dirty work or her or this probably is here Hahahaha she shouldn't start something she can't Handel there was not a problem till I dumped her bro for cheating on me which shouldn't be her problem lol so leave and thanks but I have a great life and who ever said I was taking it out on Zoe she should start with a close friend who dosent deserve sht so leave
Are u disappointed of your life ?
How many kids would you like to have ?
Do you love Tyler a bit more than a friend
No! His my brother! Any always will be nothing else! I use to like him in like year 8 early but nah way to close now and I'll never go there!
thats good x
i miss you too ?
Yeah it is and who's this haha x
are you and daniel friends? x
Yeah we are why x
Just keep your head up caitlyn you can beat the haters their just jealous of how pretty you are and how nice you are
P.s. You are Daniel look very happy together
Thankyou love u who ever this isxx
Best friends with Kristal
Nah but we are close haha u jealous
And ur happy about that
Yep! ☺️☺️
Are u and Jessica friends
Nope ☺️☺️
Anon, if Daniel broke uo with Caitlyn then please explain why there were with each other today?. Anon just shut up!! Always here Caitlyn x Kristalharbour13
No sht and we where so happy today hahah I shown him and he laughed at how stupid they are Hahahah Thankyou x
that is true, i would call you if i had credit though, listen i know your scared but seriously we have got to end this i really can't be with you theres someone else from school that I'm really looking out for sorry caitlyn.
Hahaha this isn't Daniel hahaha Daniel don't have Internet dck head nice try if I was u I would just stop
What do you mean nice try.. I can't believe you don't believe me.. i can't be with you.. theres too much going on its not fair.. ill see you around in school maybe sometime.....bye thanks for everything....its over now..!!!
This is not Daniel if it is he would snap chat me or call me
Hey babe Daniel here I know its really hard for me to tell you this but i have to break up with you with all this sht going on i don't think i can be with you, I've been reading all these questions people ask you and i don't really want to be involved.sorry.
Hahahah this is Daniel hahaa nice try
Look down the page here that is her anon question I think I should know I am closer to u than who u think this is but u never listen .... Just looking out for u x
Who is this and what the hell is going on
She stabs you in the back all the time ... Just looking out for you Caitlyn ... you will see it and when u do u will believe me x
Who will stab me in the back ?
dont you all have anything better to do honestly!?!?! leave caitlyn alone ur just picking sht cause ur bored honestly! allways here xx (should talk more thou) Madi.stole.ur.COOKIES
Thankyou xx
You and Daniel are so cute I saw u 2 today and u both looked so happy! :)
Awh Thankyou me and him are happy I love him so much
Is your year going great ?
Are u gonna miss Danny while ur gone to Thailand for a month
*daniel* and yes his my baby but I'm gonna miss my bestfriend to :) but I know I will still get to talk to them so that's all that matters and that in a month I'll be home with them
Ur an abusive dog :) x
No I'm not u just don't know me and u believe stuff going around :) x
So dump him his not happy and then once u dump him I can have him xo
Nah I love him and I'm not dumping him to make u happy he is happy with me thankyou very much ur just jealous I have a good relationship and I'm happy :)
Danny deserves better
Okay ?
U abused cody and now ur abusing Daniel u fcken dog
Wtf I never abused cody ? Thankyou very much and I'm not abusing Daniel u can even ask him it's play fighting!
So when u punched him in the tummy and he went to put u in the bin after school that wasn't real Hun
Um no if u where really there u would have seen Daniel and I laughing and it wasn't hard an Daniel was like I'm gonna put u in the bin as a joke as we where both laughing and then kissed after haha :)
Snack lunch class 5 and 6
Hahaha if u didn't notice we where play fighting hahaha d I c k head
Why where u fighting today
When where we fighting
Your boyfriend loser
One who the f u c k calls him Danny hahaa d I c k head and my own boyfriend wouldn't hit me and he would never hit or touch a girl :) nice try
Danny is gonna bash u and Kristal
Who's Danny ?
I dpn;t care I can say it was not me PROVE it saggy flaps and yeah well used ones at that
Idek who u are
Cannot even spell u mutt stop this now and I mean now the cps are comin so keep typing ****
Get to bed u **** I am going to make u look like such a fckwit nobody will believe you and no you were never friends with her friends I always checked so fck off I a gpig to sleep
I was asleep and ur lying about this u just said ur going to make me look like a fck wit haha fcken hell please go back to school or stay in school
HAHAHAHAHA my Mum is coming to yours today and lookout I would RUN I am richer than you will ever be u fcking slaggy **** your friend just told me she witnessed it I have her name I will tell the cops myself U R A LOWLIFE S*** for real-
My friend witnesses what hahaha I've done nothing
My Mum is awake now you are fcked up hahahahahahahahaha fck u who's gunna believe your bullsht I have an adult you don;t amymore M aint there protectung you anymore and she always hated me because you hated me go die
Wtf please speak English
fcking no wonder that family said you are fcked in the head
Well if I was so fcked in the head why did some people come running back to me :)
Thx for planting a spy in my house tonight ****
Wtf I'm at home
You do have someone here you are lying about it I am ringing my Mum now or walking hiome
Wtf ? Are u going on about
Yeah do it I should have listened to THEM but I trusted U well fck you Caitlyn fck U I hate you unadd me now You play ppl you are EVIL just like they said
Wtf u know ur making urself look like a f u c k tard who is this ?
Danny will break it with you like you destroyed my happiness you slept with that other boy last night I cannot sleep ot think you are not dragging me to the Police You are in this alone now
What are u going on about I slept with no one last night my brother had his mates over wtf ?
I am messaging Danny now NOTHING U CAN DO TO MAKE ME STOP as you are evil the Michell family said nothing it was all you
Hahahahaha whatever
I do not need your abuse you stood by and watched me and play me for a fool I loved that family and now you do this
What ?
fck off don;t ever come near me again and I will see you the team will be shattered by me I get everything I want
Who's this ?
I have nobody here :/
What ?
Go do it then Hun
Okay :)
Go kill your self
Right now I want to
I hear you are one of the reasons Kristal doesn't have anything to do with the michel family! :( how do you feel knowing its cos of you. You enjoy wrecking peoples lives jealous s.l.u.t
1. Kristal and I are not friends we are team mates there is a difference 2. This was all between Cody and I but now looks it's all about Michelle well news check it's not all about her or her family in life :) and I'm lucky there not in mine anymore :) and I'm not wreaking anyone's life :) and I'm not a jealous **** I've only slept with 1 boy so fck off yeah :)
Everyone leave Caity alone she deserves so much more than all the sht you guys give her be strong princess xox Daniel won't break up with you, he's not a guy like that and he would never cheat on you princess..... I know best cause he's really close to me xx
Thankyou xx means a lot just sick off this sht who's this ? Inbox me :)
How do you want people to treat you ?
The way they want to be treated
What if Danny comes to school on Monday and breaks up with you?
Why are u saying this ?
What do you think of Daniel.A ??
Already answered this :)
What do you think of Daniel ?
His my everything my bestfriend my boyfriend I wouldn't want it any other way his the only one there when I need him at school I never want to lose him he means the would to me I love him so much I could keep going but yeah
To the person on Caitlyn and I's qooh me last night, YOU NEED TO BK AWAY!! YOUR'E NOT COOL! Telling someone to end there lives and telling them you'll hit them with a car. GROW UP! The least u can do is tell us who you are!!
Always here x
Thankyou beautiful x
Daniel and you are cute together... be strong don't let anyone put you ... :)
Awh Thankyou xx inbox me so I know who u are :) xx loving u
U and Daniel are gonna break up
That's what u think :)
I like Daniel his mine not yours
Nah his mine sorry :) x maybe next time
Thoughts on ur footy team
Idek anymore they all don't seem to care if I'm playing or not
Go back to Marshall island
Are u trying to be funny ?
Ask him lol
Don't go crying to ur friends just cause he cheated on you with me because He loves me more then you
Why would I ask him when I know it's not true lol ur just a person trying to be tough behind a screen and he would never cheat on me so just back off before I find out who this is xo
How do u know his not like that
Because Daniel isn't that kind of boy and all my trust goes into him :)
That's because he doesn't love u and he is with me and he is cheating on u soz
Hahahah okay Hun whatever u say
Daniel isn't like that :)
Have u talked to Daniel today
Nope ?
Thoughts on Lachlan
OMG don't even get me started
Why u so pretty xox
I'm not but Thankyou xo
So u did have $ex
Like I said what's it to u its in the past shut the fck up :) no more talking about it cause I won't answer u
You did we know x
So what if we did what's it to u
He told eveyone. Is it true? xoxoxox
What's it to u xo
Daniel deserves better
Okay so what if he does! I love him and he loves me and that's all that matters I have told him he deserves better but he said he only loves me so butt out of mine and my baby's relationship please x cause me and him are happy and that's all that matters
Are u half blind
Yeah what of it
You had $ex with Cody?
Who said ?
You and kristal are gonna get hit by a car xo
Come at us
You shouldn't have spoke to kristal at training! Now you're gonna die. Her too oxox
Hahaha oh no so scared
Kristals a ****
No she's not back the fck off
You and kristal have nth had $ex more then 5 times
What ? I've had $ex once and krisal hasn't had $ex ?
Kys with kristal
Nah maybe u should
Yeah cause we love sleeping around
I don't have either of your names
Snapchat caitey888 and Insta caitlyn_698_ or Caitlyn_869_
You and kristal should hang yourselves x
We wouldn't rather not now fck off yeah x
I can't say I'm sorry
Send it on Instagram or snapchat ?
I would inbox you but we haven't gotten on previously and you blocked me I'm glad your smiling
Who is this hahaha I'll unblock u
Thankyou xx
Okay I know we aren't the best of friends however you deserve to live I'm proud of you that you didn't hang yourself, you have a great life ahead of you it may not seem so good right now but I promise you that it will get better :)
Awh thank you u should inbox me this is the nicest thing and it put a smile ok my face please inbox me xx