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Ask me anything you like anonymously

395 Replies

Just fck off anon you know nothing!! Madi.stole.ur.COOKIES


caitlyn_698 replied 3394 days ago

It's funny that you can be friends with someone who is friends with someone you don't like/hate yet if someone you were friends with was friends with someone you hate it's all world war 3

English please

caitlyn_698 replied 3406 days ago

Send what ever you what to katkyn she always bags you out lolol. First you take Maddie away from Kristal now Katlyn can't you just let Kristal be happy? Hippocrite

Kristal can be happy I'm doing nothing lol so why don't u leave and Maddie and I have been friends since I was in year 1 so I didn't do sht so leave

caitlyn_698 replied 3406 days ago

If you take Caitlin away from kristal your dead

Ah I'm allowed to talk and hang out with katlyn if kristal has a problem with that that's stuffed I'm not doing anything wrong and I won't take her away lol katlyn is allowed to be friends with me so back off and u know this was sent to katlyn :)

caitlyn_698 replied 3406 days ago

I was with Kristal last night she was allowed at the party but didn't wanna go and she wasn't invited to that girls party we were on our way to baileys party till I started vomiting so don't even mention Kristals name in anything ****

Good for u and Kristal lol FK if u wanna say sht put ur name on it inbox me ****

caitlyn_698 replied 3406 days ago

What was the last thing that got stolen from you?

My chips ?

caitlyn_698 replied 3406 days ago

I heard u and Caitlin talkn shtt about Krystal and Jess why? Not starting anything x and what we're you saying

Me and katlyn weren't talking sht lol I just asked why Kristal wasn't aloud at the party last night lol

caitlyn_698 replied 3406 days ago

Ur a pathetic idiot. All you do is bag people out! You and Jess are the same use will be friends soon you're disgusting. Having $ex with cost mcihell yucky cu nt

Lol ur the pathetic **** writing on here and not inboxing me and can u spell ?

caitlyn_698 replied 3407 days ago

Good for you, I'm happy with my life now with my family, bestfriend and boyfriend. Actually thought we could be civil with each other and put the past behind but nah you can't handle that. AbbyMaxwell_00

I can be civil but not when your starting sht for no fcken reason!

caitlyn_698 replied 3419 days ago

hah I'm pretty sure you've done that lolol, drinking with Abby ? half a cruiser drunk? hmm seems legit ? you don't even know the whole story so pls FK up zoe.lawless69

Hahaaha I haven't even drunk with her the only Time I have gotten drunk is this year so please shut the fck up

caitlyn_698 replied 3419 days ago

Actually no you ignored me for ages before that. Oh and sorry but I'd rather him more than you because he's actually bestfriend material unlike you AbbyMaxwell_00

Good for him ? I care why stop starting sht that don't need to be started and I'm happy with the friendship I have with my Bestfriend better than our friendship ever was and would have ever been

caitlyn_698 replied 3420 days ago

tbh: I do not like you, you cause beef for no reason, you hate me bc of Ryan and he didn't do anything to you at all!! what is your problem? you're so stupid and omg you make me angry ??? zoe.lawless69

I didn't ask for your stupid TBH so leave and then why did he come to my door Step when I broke up with him to take me back with his nan huh I really don't care it's the past lol and u make me angry oh I'm Zoe and I pass out with one drink good on u

caitlyn_698 replied 3420 days ago 2

Why do you hate me so much like fck what have I done to you AbbyMaxwell_00

Because u where rude and through our friendship away like it was nothing just for a boy and it was the boy I actually liked

caitlyn_698 replied 3420 days ago

When did you wake up and find out you hated yourself

I've always hated my self

caitlyn_698 replied 3420 days ago

What are you trying to prove to yourself?

That I can do it without people I once thought I couldn't

caitlyn_698 replied 3420 days ago