Caitlyn Griffiths
I fink u r a f**
Okay Isabelle
I heard Taj's **** is really big today?
There's a reason he prefers to where pants
Pin head is a boss!! ;)
Ahahaha yeahhh :pp
Snapchat name?
You moved on from G quick.
He moved on quicker :pp
Wtf what's the go with you and taj?
Who's taj?
Leave Naomi alone, you're a sl*t and Naomi doesn't want to here from you so f*ck off!!. And get a life!
Hear* get an education
Have you ever been in love?
Hell no
Just leave her alone guys. People have a go at her for nothing, she is an amazing and beautiful girl that seems to get judged for other peoples actions.
Thanks anon
Why did you leave Newhaven?
I just felt like I had drifted apart from my friends since I went to Spain. And last year, I started off in year 10 and hated it so I moved schools and moved into year 11.
gerson has lost something amazing
Ohh thanks aha
Gerson is a good boyfriend
Yeah, he's so respectful and loyal ❤❤❤
Are people retarded, Gerson is a mutha fkn playaa, he has side hoes like you wouldn't believe, he has his army of *****es, they all think they're the one but they just stupid as* sheep. Lucky for you, you can see through his lies and intentions, you go girl
You're my new favourite person.
You can tell which questions Gerson is sending
Ahaha I know right
Gerson wasn't in a accident haha he looks better than ever just spoke to him at the gym haha
Hahahahaha that's so good
Are you guys retarded and still going on about this!? Gerson can't even defend himself
He doesn't need to defend because he done nothing I need wrong or prove anything to anyone,
Could you please repeat that in English?
Why do people feel the need to blame him for everything? Like hes always be honest and girls always lie about him
Look, could you **** witts stop? Gerson is in hospital apparently he was in a accident, he cant even defend himself so grow up and leave him alone
He never defends himself anyway.. His girls do it for him.
That's what happens when someone doesn't get what they want, they simply lie
Uhm okay
So you must be one then
Ah I don't think so. Don't want any of his attention
Nah people are too dramatic haha they need his attention too much otherwise this wouldn't happen
Putas crave his attention :p
Yeah I guess, too bad you too immature to see what's really happening right infront of you
Please I'm not immature.. Immature is getting so worked up over a guy and sending anonymous messages trying to protect him.
Haha I love G he's the most loved and hated guy I ever met
Drama follows him everywhere :p
I will, because I have known him for longer than anyone and I know who he is but a cheater, never
Stop ahaha you obviously don't know him well
See he would never cheat on anyone, you are just too naive and listen to other people, you clearly didn't deserve him
this is funny, I used to stick up for him too
Gerson cheating?! Haha best joke I heard in a while
Dios mío eres un inútil.
Stop blaming gerson, he can be many things but he's not a cheater
Keep telling yourself that :)
No you didn't, if you like someone and don't go to a party and get with every single guy you can get your hands on, feelings don't go away that easy, unless they were never there
I have never really liked anyone as much as I liked him. He cheated for 3 months then a month after we broke up I went to a party and did not get with every single guy I could get my hands on you belligerent moron. Feelings obviously can go away that easily because I don't want to be interested in a cheating playerrrrr
Your answers are so good
I know the story, and she changed it like a million times
Obviously don't know it very well then :)
It is a lie you are just believing because you never really like him and wanted to get rid of him,
I actually did really really like him so shut upppp.
Well, you really screwed hahaha
He did not cheat, and there's no prove for what Bethany said so idk why people are accusing him
If you knew the story like I do, you would feel like the biggest idiot for saying these things aha
No wonder why nobody in Newhaven likes you
People at Newhaven like me.. I just needed a change :)
Since I met him, I heard many times that he cheated on girls, even knowing he only dated 3 girls, but in the end they were all lies, can't wait till this become just another lie and you will look soo stupid
I'd never heard that he cheated on girls, but I don't see how what Bethany told me could sound so legit. Stop being so oblivious this isn't just another lie ahaha
You haven't even know him for 6 months
Yeah yeah I have
Everybody is defending him because everyone know how he is and what the truth is, if he was lying nobody would stick up for him
You obvs don't know how he is :p
Love how everyone is calling G a s*** bag and player and a cheater, and yet they got no idea who is and how he really is, judgemental pricks, thought you were better than that caitlyn.
Please, I spent 6 months getting to know how he is.. :)
You don't deserve him he's the best guy are ever met and he's not manipulative, you are just too stupid to see the truth right in front of you
You mustn't have met many great guys then :p
He would never cheat on anyway, you were just looking for an excuse not to talk to him, and you are using this lie to do it pathetic
Ahahah he did cheat! Stop sticking up for him. I was happy with him until I found out.. Not looking for an excuse not to talk to him. I feel real sorry for you.. Falling for his manipulative ways
No one deserves a cheating s*** bag who tries to justify his infidelity, whoever is defending him is most definitely also a s*** bag. Far from the best guy you can get C.G
Couldn't have said it better myself.
You deserve so much better than Gerson, you're so pretty and so nice and I hope you find the guy of your dreams who treats you perfectly! ❤
So kind ❤
Wouldn't *
Ah well he did :)
He would date you if he still loves another girl
Would? Or wouldn't?
He can not cheat on you if you guys weren't dating!!!
Wow so we weren't even dating now? Looks like he tells us all different things.
There are soo many guys who are more decent
Ojalá :)
you're the one who deserves better :)
uh huh
Gerson never ever got with Bethany you just lost the best guy you could ever get.
Don't believe his manipulative stories. I'm sure there are plenty of guys out there who are betterrrrr :p
You just lost the only decent guy left in wonni, good job
Decent guys treat girls with respect.
Gerson should never talk to you again
Why do so many people stick up for him? :') He cheated on meeee. Stop protecting him
You seriously screwed up last night, you were such a ****, gerson deserves much better
Oh Gerson deserves better? Was I the one who cheated for 3 months? Don't think sooooo
The worse thing is I was talking to G today he still likes you, you just too stupid
Stop. He doesn't still like me.
You are a **** you never deserved gerson
ahahah okay
i would like a glass of your attention please
ahaha whaaat
What's your favourite word or phrase ?
por ser tu te hago caso.. <--think that's how it goes :p
Who did you get with?
Did you enjoy last night?
I enjoyed some parts, but overall not really :p
You looked mint last night.
Cool thanks 8)
Would you travel to Mars if you knew you cannot come back?
Probs would travel anywhere if I knew I couldn't come back lol
How's gerson?
Why would you ask me? Ask him.
Are you a virgin?
Ew what's a virgin?
You looked extra beautiful today :)
Why thank youuuu
What are you allergic to?
I find it funny how people say you're bullying them.. you should hear the stuff they say about you. lol hypocrites
yeah thanks, but I'd rather not hear what they say about me me. I'd like it if they just left me aloneee
Think about it! You are bullying those girls and it's wrong no one deserves to be treated like that!!
I'm not though, I've never even said anything mean to them :')
Bullying year 11s
I am not bullying anyone what the f.uck.. how am I bullying them?
No they actually didn't! It was me and I'm a year 12 who just sees you as being very immature right now!!
oh yeah? tell me how I am being immature ahaha
Funny because like everyone likes them! There just one of those fun groups everyone likes HAHAHA stop being immature
Obviously one of you girls sent that.. ahhaha
It's okay, no one likes those year 11 girls either.
I don't understand why everyone needs to become apart of this and why it really matters.. Its Caitlyns choice who she likes and dislikes! Just please stop posting on both of our's.. Thanks! naomigoewiecleeland
oh tru
What's wrong with all her friends, do you hate all of them even Alanna, Riannon, tori and Allie?
What did they ever do to you!!!
Oh my goodness you girls need to calm down. Not everyone is going to like you. Jeeeeeeeeesus
Listen her c,unt just because you don't like Naomi doesn't mean you have to be a ***** to her or stare at her at school your in f,ucking yr 12 get a life you piece of s,hit
1. Tell me when I have been a b.itch to Naomi.
2. I do not stare at her.. I think you're going a bit crazy.
3. You're being a bit hypocritical by saying I'm a b.itch. At least I don't send anonymous hate.
Okay I'm not really friends with Naomi but leave her alone she's a beautiful soul
What am I even doing to her? ahahaha
Oi freckle face! Why don't you take the pole out of your as* and lighten up a bit! And get over this hatred for Naomi! She's a good person! Better than you! This world would be a darker place without her! So stop being a b,itch
Okay, tell me when I have said that I don't like Naomi. Give me an example of one time I have said I don't like her? Stop assuming things and take it off anonymous or inbox me instead of being such a coward and sending things anonymously.
Okay, what if she had different friends, what would your thoughts be.
even though I don't really like her friends, I still think she can be nice and she's pretty
What do you mean poor choice in friends?
are you serious?
From what I see she has done nothing at all! GET OVER YOURSELF
you must be blind
Thoughts on Bridget?
Poor choice in friends
What did she even do to you?
whats your opinion on Naomi?
Do you like your sisters??
not really your business. people closest to me know this answer.
What is your biggest fear?
needles, snakes and vomit
Who are your last few questions about?
hahahaha no one too important.
so yes
honestly I try to appreciate most things, but why buy me a second one if you already knew I own one? where is the logic!?
So you didn't appreciate my electronic reading book?
Well I already owned one sooooo.........
Your year 11. No serious
year 12*
Prettiest year 10 girls.
What turns you off ?
When you buy me half price flowers, but leave the price tag on.
I don't understand why there hating on you when it's not even to do with them!
Hahahaha they just make themselves look silly.
I'm glad you came to wonthaggi, you're gorgeous!
awh thanks