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c a i t l y n


go ahead

263 Replies

What are you tired of?


caitlynnichols_ replied 3143 days ago 1

At what point did you realise you are attractive?

awkward when I'm not ahahah

caitlynnichols_ replied 3145 days ago 1

Best friends on snapchat

harry roberston, riley glen, liam dinnage, madi lyell, jaeben clutterbuck, braydn douglas and georgia mahoney

caitlynnichols_ replied 3161 days ago 1

Thoughts on Liam Dinnage?

bestfriend, can trust him with anything, he's an arsehole but I love him

caitlynnichols_ replied 3161 days ago 1


harry robertson, jaeben clutterbuck, khiana belsham, madi lyell, riley glen, tiarna zara, max leamon, bonnie jewell, braydn douglas, otto cordier, ellie adams, neo oliver, liam dinnage

caitlynnichols_ replied 3167 days ago 2

What is something that people might not like about you?


caitlynnichols_ replied 3181 days ago

You have big boo*s

hey ellie hahahahaha

caitlynnichols_ replied 3205 days ago 4

Hey ellieadams


caitlynnichols_ replied 3205 days ago 2

You have big boo*s ellieadams

what a joke hahahahaha

caitlynnichols_ replied 3205 days ago 3

Solid ellieadams


caitlynnichols_ replied 3205 days ago 2

What mistake will you never make again?

trusting certain people :/

caitlynnichols_ replied 3205 days ago 2 2

thats so dog

hey demi

caitlynnichols_ replied 3205 days ago 1 1

You are offered a pill that makes you 25% more intelligent but permanently removes your hair including eyebrows. Do you take it?

no wtf

caitlynnichols_ replied 3215 days ago 1

What was your first relationship like?

wouldn't even call that a relationship ???

caitlynnichols_ replied 3223 days ago 3 2

All you anon ****s are so mean towards Caitlyn fck off and leave her alone

Gyb Caitlyn Tristo_Allen

thank you :)

caitlynnichols_ replied 3224 days ago