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Tazz Abrahams


have fun.

466 Replies

Message to your last guy?

i assume you mean the last guy i was in a realationship, sooo

"the choices we make, change the the path that we take
but i know that somewhere out there
there's a path that we chose
there's a life that we share
there's a love and it grows."

cakexmonster replied 2436 days ago 1

Who is the last boy you pulled?

can't say.

cakexmonster replied 2436 days ago

How come your lips are always shiny ??

because i use lipgloss and i don't like them dry.

cakexmonster replied 2439 days ago 1

Am I seeing you at my city tonight ?

did you see me??

cakexmonster replied 2441 days ago

Who's your crush

Post Malone.

cakexmonster replied 2444 days ago

hey beautiful girl Nn99

well helloo there

cakexmonster replied 2445 days ago

I just put some ice on my baby

she's going to get hypothermia

cakexmonster replied 2445 days ago

What's your biggest fear in life and why?

i actually have two. the first one being, i'm so scared that my future is not a place i want to live in and who i am in the future is not the person i want to be or even the type of people i loath.
my second would have to be losing someone, the worst feeling is to have to grow so used to someone and them just leaving like it's so scary and what's even worse is that i can't avoid that.

cakexmonster replied 2445 days ago 1

I got some tea for you b

lemme add the sugar

cakexmonster replied 2445 days ago

Why are people asking about me Tazzy??

you a spicy shnack that's why.

cakexmonster replied 2445 days ago


the dude

cakexmonster replied 2445 days ago

What is his insta name? ( Bevan)

ehm yoh now i need to remember, @bevan01anthony or something like this.
sis, do you want me to hook y'all up?

cakexmonster replied 2445 days ago

Soo glad you back on the graammm biiissshhh??????

i really did miss out on so much! i miiiissseddd youuuuu but i'm bacckkk

cakexmonster replied 2445 days ago

hey baby ?
I miss you ❤️


MY BABYYYYYY!!!!!!!!!!

cakexmonster replied 2445 days ago

Who is that Indian matric that you always with?

eh eh. always is a very strong word.
it's Bevan though. enjoy that piece of information. ;)

cakexmonster replied 2445 days ago