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Sweet girl, always been there for me, easy to talk to, great listener and great personality. Beautiful girl xx
whole four album
my family
my foot
Kayla you're a gorgeous girl one of my good friends, your always there for me and in always there for you !! LUV YA girl
LANA MY GIRL!!!!!! THE WEDDING IS STILL ON !! OUR BABY SHOULD BE BORN SOON, you're one of my best friends I love you so much you're always here for me and you've helped me through my tough times, you give me advice all the time! I love you so much !!!
JESSSSSSS, You're a beautiful girl! You're a gun at soccer, you're one of my closest friends, you always help me and here for me and I'm always here for you, you're a blast in a glass! And great to have a laugh with! Love you jessssssss
don't really pay attention tbqh finnza
tough one, I've got a few
Emily!!!!!!!!!! HILRIOUS, you're a beautiful girl, the stories you've told me I just can't, you always make me laugh, we've always been good friends and I'm always here for you and you've always been here for me ! Love ya EM! Xx
shiy!! You're a beautiful girl, gun at netball, you're funny, we aren't that close and we should talk more ((: xx
all cute
yes, I'm happy for them both
One of my good mates, can tell you heaps, I can come to you for advice, like a brother to me. We are obviously doing deb together duh and we gotta start planning the wedding HAHAHA
is not going after what I want to achieve
Beautiful skies
Harry styles
$1 ):
who treats who right ?
I'm perfectly fine with it, it doesn't matter anyway
Philipo, Harry and jakeeee