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~~insert h8 here~~

1.3k Replies

why the fk dont you listen to music


camapple replied 3476 days ago

Who would you take a bullet for?

Nearly anyone..

camapple replied 3483 days ago

What do you miss about your childhood?

the innocence

camapple replied 3496 days ago

How do you want to end 2014 ?

camapple replied 3502 days ago

did you get you're braces offff

No I didn't, what would make you think I did..?

camapple replied 3517 days ago

did you get your braces!!!

I have had braces for just over 2 years....

camapple replied 3519 days ago

Where do you want to live when you older?

Away from here

camapple replied 3535 days ago

Who sings Quiet?


camapple replied 3536 days ago

Best song you've heard this week ?


camapple replied 3537 days ago

you have a really perf set of brows :)


camapple replied 3538 days ago

Biggest regret?

"No ragrets"

camapple replied 3554 days ago

wht music you like


camapple replied 3559 days ago

The most expensive item you own?


camapple replied 3559 days ago

Do you get bullied?

It's alright cause I'm already dead

camapple replied 3575 days ago

Game of thrones vs Vikings ?

Or none

camapple replied 3575 days ago