cameron peo
Awww that's sweet babzzZ but I realy love yoU morE
That's a cRap LOtt!! ;;) :$
(Johnovan) hey ppl I am hur bf and don't f*** with hur oky
Awww hOor da ;) se hulle bAyPEeH:D
Do you realy realy love me like I love you nunuzZ
NO.. JOhnovan myy nUnU.. Ii lOve yOo mOre ? <3
Love the way u rock that body bbe keep it up but shorts like 5cm downish;) but love the pose!!!!!!! Love u sammi on bbm u don't knw me too but anyways
Aww thanx baYbes:) __BIG HUG__
Hey there!!! Must say you a beautiful girl!! f*** all those jealous Bit**es!! If you have it flaunt it! Mwah
Awww thank yOo sOo much $kAttii. PING!!! Mee on bbm plz :)
Who u dating ?
Johnovan ? ??
Why you so beautiful
Awww am ii? •bLush blUsh•thank yoo ?
Hey don't wory about all thows haters in the world live by my motto (life is to short to give a f*** about wat pp say ) so don't give a f*** k but also plz tone it a littel down with the shorts plz
Thank uu.. *but ii like ShOwiing myy Legs;;)
..HoOri mYsi hOu Op diNk dat di OueNz gan jOu meEr liKe aS j pOse in jOu biKini[X_X]...nt mense mt n mOoi lYf kAn dt dUn..nj iSi 1 vAn hLe ni...n eKs jaMe mA jYs NET 14...aCt Ur AGE!!!!!!!!!!!
VOk ju jeaLous Bit**:D
LOL..hkm antw j ni my's ni?
HaNg af wat dt se,,
I don't think your a ***** ... Altoagh we never chatd be4,,,, you look quit like a nice lady... (( Bigg hugg) 4rm Warren(my bbm name is DOBBiE)
Awwww thank uu*[xx]
HeY I hear urE bf iS a ganGster lolololololol
Lol ii dOno..:?.. But if he is 1 he's a rEeeaLy se*xii 1!!;)
Why do people call u such terrible names//like//omg//rude people//u are such a kind person//cami u are awesome//lol//
Aww thanxx sOo much.. But uu see.. These dAys there are sOo manyy jealous ppl Owt there soo,, theyy cOnfuse hate jealousyy•:))..? shame fOr them ii don't give ? f*** eyy
How old r u ?
TUrnEd 14 in april.. Whyy?:)
I saw u at foodshed :)) and damn you like the definition of a ***** and a slu* (G) * sweetie go for dance lessons and stop watching Trace you learn all the slu*y dance moves :)) xxx
Lol... Bit** ,,pLeAse.. JEaLoUs girLs liike all thEe rest(G) LeMme gUeSs?? Uu can't daNce sOo uu tRyy aNd maKe it sOund liike *? can't...go f*** urseLf plEase:x
Act ur age plz! Not ur pants size
Act Ur AgE pLeaSe .. And nOt yOur shoe size :D..? ?
Too bad j* isn't into u ey...
LmaO.. WhOo uu.. I'm nOt interestEd in him anyymore just backoff.. Uu tOo besag
Which school do you go to ?
Link$iide baYbEeh
Damn these people make u sound like such a *****
Well thEyy miGht mAke mEeh sOund Liike One* dOesn'T mEean *? am 1 thO eyy (:
Are u a virgin
NObOdyy diiEs a virggin cOz in thee End,,liiFe screws us all! ;) kayy!
WhO do yOO like?
? ? j u a n ? v a n ? r O o y e n.. ? ;;)
Hi wane kom j u.t.h toe dan ken ons meet!(-_-)
Ek wEatii jyy*!
How many times do you have se* in 1 week???
How Manyy times dOo uu get ??? brain check in ??? wEek?? :/
AlOwZ MaI'Qii :) HeHe JyS OuLiKiEs J!! :] JyS NeT PwAgTaG'QiiS j!! :) BlY NeT SoOs J IS! :) <3 MuT NoOiT VeRaNdEr Nii!! :) <3
AwwW dAnKii jyy* $Katii,, en jyy.* xx*.bLyy diie aw$Ome Oukii wAt jyy is rErAg* }BIG HUG{ <3 * (..:*..)
You always going for guys that you know that other people like..... Y do you do that?? N yes you are pretty so you know that they are going to go 4 you 2.... Its really getting irritating nw... Seriously...
ShAme eyy* mayyB uu ju$t jeaLous coz thE gUy uu wanted wanted mee :) eaSiier way too put it
U slu* *****
Uu tOo scaRed?? That's y uu pUt it anonyymous! Bit** pleaSe!=D
What does his name start wif? Xx
f*** these ppl r really commen on ur qooh me I will really moer them! Got a way to find out who asks questions so don't temped me! :) enjoy ur daii*
Aww thAnxx whOo uu?? :)
Sal ju enage tyd wl nai
DrEam On lOve..*
Why are u always intrested in other ppls boyfriends????
NOo..u gOtT it all wrOng daRliiNg,,otherr ppLs bfs aRe intEre$ted in mee!!;;) :P
Who do u like?
A gUy...<3
Hii whOo uu ?? :)
Why are you permanently wearing short stuff?
Have yOo hearD the $aYiiNg ,,if uu gOt it flAunt it??!...:) lifes tOo shOrt tOo dre$s the way other ppL want uu tOo ..ii gOt myy own style (y)
Who are you dating currently
Hey se*y
Hehe..heyy jyy xx ping myy oP bBm :)
How are you? :)
All gOod tHanxx n uu?*
Heyy sAxxii dinG!!:P
Hayy jyy* ;;)
Wat is jou bra size
Dt is vir myy om tewet en vju om yt teviNd•
U tell me plzz who do u love ???
Who are yoo
Who do u love??
EverYone knOwSs that answer*
Describe yourself in 3 words?
RanDom cRazy cOnfideNt..x