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Cam Nottle


Question me people

206 Replies

You make me sound like I just spend all your money ;) Allypeters

You do though don't you??? ;)

camnottl3 replied 3381 days ago

What do you spend your money on the most ?

Food, ally and cricket stuff

camnottl3 replied 3383 days ago

Me noodle head? X Kheda.s

Love this kid! One of my best mates and I know he will always be there for me if I need his help!! Freak at any sports he plays and loved the good old days of playing cricket with him!! Need to catch up with you soon buddy! Love ya man xx

camnottl3 replied 3392 days ago 1

Who do you envy and why ?

Ricky Ponting and Brad Haddin

camnottl3 replied 3392 days ago

Brayden Miller?

Where do I start with this kid? He is one of my best mates and I know he will always be there for me if I need it! Such an inspiration and even though he's a short as* I still look up to him with the strength he shows always having a brave face on at school when something's bothering him!! Top bloke and anyone is lucky to have this kid in there life!!

camnottl3 replied 3423 days ago 4

James Gourley?

Train at rovers together and from what I have seen he is a good footballer, he is a good kid and seems easy to get along with also.

camnottl3 replied 3487 days ago

What would you change about one of your friends if you could ?

No beard, no opinion soz

camnottl3 replied 3494 days ago 1

How do you want to end 2014 ?

C'mon qoohme you're forgetting Christmas?!?

camnottl3 replied 3496 days ago 3

Katty denapoli?

Great kid and is always there for everyone! She looks out for me and I know she supports me and ally 100%. She is a very strong girl and knows how to make people laugh, good company :)

camnottl3 replied 3507 days ago 2

What's your favorite fashion item ?

Crocs for sure

camnottl3 replied 3507 days ago 2

You know I love you :( Allypeters

I know, and i love you too :(

camnottl3 replied 3522 days ago

Oi feckin homo leave noodle alone hey! She obvs doesn't want you ya numb nut Kheda.s

Love ya man <3.

camnottl3 replied 3522 days ago 4

Ally wants me not you.

**** off i dont need this right now

camnottl3 replied 3522 days ago 2

What do you love the most?

Ally is first on my list xx

camnottl3 replied 3527 days ago 1

What is your ringtone?

I don't know? I don't get many phone calls

camnottl3 replied 3541 days ago 1