Hey please just give us a clue on who you like
Bbm me and il tell you :-) i really will :-)
Hey who's you biggest fight been with
No clue :-) usually close friends thoughN
Do you like any specific girl at the moment
Yes :-) not saying who though
What is your tipe of lady?*! What must she look like and how muat she be like ?!*??
Haha um nothing specific?? Just as long as we get along well and i can talk to her easily without trying to force a convo :-P and if i know i can trust her thats a big thing for me :-)
Why you all asking all these questions about who he likes he obviously doesn't want to say & he doesn't have to rush through anything!!
Thank you whoever you are :-) please tell me who you are on bbm or whatsapp? Thanks ;;)
Does she go to our school!
Maybe, maybe not :-) i really dont want to say anything yet :-)
Why keep it a secret Thou?
I just dont want to rush anything like i dont know her well enough to actually decide anything
Hay who's ur best fwend???
Have a few :-)
So Why Don't You Tell Her? :)
I dont like jumping into things :-)
So Ian Who Do You Really Like? :)
Thats a secret for now :-) dont think she even knows??? :-)
I really like you but I dont think you like me back
Im really sorry if you feel that way... I cant exactly say because i dont know who this is :-) hope we can be friends though? :-)
:D who do you like
Thats a *secret* :P
Aloowhh :) we should talk more :D pwease.. Neiiqii
Oki doki :P
What is your opinion on blow-jobs?
Uhm excuse me????
Love you retardzzzzzzzz :*
You must talk to me more often :| kay?
Bye nugglett ;;)
Would talk to you more if i knew who you were :P so just send me a mesaage please
You're a giannnnttt ;;) I hope you know who this is -_-
No clue?:P
Who's "a"
*a* is my bestest friend:)
Hey you awesome person, how you been ....so i guess you know who this is?* Mint?*
Yes*a* your names too long to type:P been good anf yourself?:)
Do you miss me?
Do you hate me?
Did it help for you to delete me out of your life?
Um I don\'t hate you:) and I don\'t have a clue who you are
Lovezzz u ..* xox loser ..* hehe
Love you too retard:)
Hehe love yoou Iann!!!;;)
Love you too anonymous:P
Who do u like?
Can't really answer that now:)
Well she's history. Now who do you like/love
Absolutely no one:) letting Jesus Christ show me the way:)
Who do you like @ the moment?
I'm sure you could clearly see by my pp and stat:P just saying?:) but its Taniel;)
Are you and taniel dating now?
It is taniel hey
Yes I do like Taniel:)
Give us a clow of her name please
I'll let you know as soon as something happens:P
Who u dating or who do u like
I am currently single:) but I do like someone:) but still getting to know her:)
Are you a player??
Who said I was grown up? Who said I was done being a child! I don't want to give up fun and friendships to be "mature"
Um okay?
IaN Yøμ̥ gUys loOk SooOoO â”̲C┓̲μ̥Tξ tOgEtHeR .. Pas haar op
TH̶̲̥̅̊​∕̴ƖÆk$ foR bEiNg ThErE foR •̸Ϟξ. ∕̴Ɩ₪d tHank Yøμ̥ foR bEinG a gReAt FriEnD :-)
Thanks loser:) and anytime buddy:P here 4 yoou always!!:)
These people need to grow up and keep their noses up their own as*es. Sorry but if you wish to be so secretive and reserved them you can be. We all care. But no1 has the balls to talk to you to ask you because you will just lie.
I won't lie:) I haven't been lying? But Taniel and I are friends:) so why don't you take your own advice and talk to me:)
No sorry but if u answer the question then maybe yes!are u going to date her?
I guess you will see:)
Coz that's how u feel right!
Wow you people don't give up do you?:)
If u want to be with her u won't be ashamed of telling us that u want to be with her!Now Ian tell us...
I'm not ashamed of her:) .... Other wise she wouldn't be my pp and no one would know about her?:) just saying
Just say you wanna date her
Why must I say that?:)
Ian ,, where μ̥ ∕̴ƖT the shop ?hahaha hopefully Yøμ̥ will answer •̸Ϟξ here ??
Jaja Zinell:)
So if you dnt have a GF then teniel
She isn't my girlfriend:)
Because I want to find out?
Well then ask me on bbm:P
Ok well are u looking at dating someone?
Well why you ask?:P
Do u have a girlfriend?
No I'm single:) please stop asking the same questions people?:P
JuSt thOught ii'd coMe brAg hOw amAziNg yUu aRe ♥... There'll aLwAys be a speCial pLace in mYy heArt fOr yUu:):)
Thanks a lot:)
Who r u dating
I'm not dating anyone:)
Do you enjoy to fart?
What kind of question is that? =D