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being in the same form, & with saskia, at intermediate & dakota & britt, at primary(':
Trusting the wrong person
Travel & be a make-up artist for models :p
Personality, looks & smileeee (;
You don't, you offer them a mint & buy them a toothbrush
Jacob , Zane , Mckenzie & Roxanne, cant think of another person ;p
idk much year tens tbh , all i can think of is Joel (': x
she is honestly the most awesome person! she is so beautiful, & perfect (': even though she has a different culture she pushes it to the side & laughs about our little jokes. she is never sad ;p she is always happy, smiling or laughing & when im upset she notcices & wont let me go without telling her whats wrong i love her with all my heart, i love talking to her & helping her she is honestly one of my bestfriends, & the best person to go looking for hot boys with heheh she is perfect xxx
Michaelee, Brittany, Nicolene, Saskia, Bella, Maia, Josh sometimes & mahboo*ah who ever joins x
Big? Haha It s*cks :c
No they s*ck :c haha (;
Thank you anon your beautiful love you too x
Tbh kit Kats ;p I haven't had one for ages! Eating healthy whoo!
I will(: just answering mine x
Greeeeeen & bluuuuue
Yes omg :c It takes so long to grow! I want my hair to be just under my boo* hehehe ;p
This is hard, but I would have to say my mum!! x
Casebrook... It s*cked in year 7 I want to do year 8 again (':
Jacob , Zane & Finnian
Jacob, we are close but I want to be able to trust him hehehe & Zane
iPhone! Because I love mine ;p
He is so hot Come with me Look look at that guy Hahahahahahahahh I love you Casey Hahahaha He is so gorgeous Look at his legs xxx
V of course ;p
Michaelee, Brittany, Dakota, Saskia, Jarod, Vicky, Bella & Nicolene
safe haven & the last song, that i can remember of atm
Hmmm... hahahahahahaha
Michaelee, Dakota, Britt, Saskia, Bella, Nicolene, Jarod I have heaps ;p
You are anon <33
hahahahahahahahahaha omg whaaaaaat?! i wonder who this is.... this makes no sense btw ;p
My mum, Michaelee & Jarod <33
i dont really care :P
hahahahahahahahaha yes! especially because i would share the money with them :P but it would be a light hit
I have heaaaaps! But I would have to say, bones by Ginny Blackmore, hurricane by Bridget Mendler, burn by Ellie Goulding & crazy kids by ke$haaaaaaa :p <3
Yessss! We have too(': I love you & miss you too beautiful xxx
Of course not(; she is honestly the best! I love her to pieces, she is so perfect in every way!! & she is so beautiful without make-up no **** :o every time I'm with her she always seems to put a smile on my face , especially when I'm upset :p I love her xxx
Heeeeey! Whose this?xx
WHAAAAAAT?! yes you are xx
haha aw! your such a cutie, your like one of the most beautiful girlies i know x
we were both over the relationship, & didnt have as much feelings for each other at the end of it :p
I don't know, there are probably worse mistakes that I can't think of.. But not letting go & then getting hurt :/
yay! you should get one?x
Heeeey! It was alright :/ hby? Who is this ? Haha xxx
Haha aw! Yeah it does work(: love you too x
How do I get angry? I'm sure I don't hate you....
she is so beautiful, i honestly think she doesnt need make-up (: but she wont listen to me :/ she has such an amazing figure!
Hey baby boo(': I'm good eh, how are you x
:( come off anon & we can talk about it, I'm sure it will be for a reason.. I'm sure I won't hate you x
Haha aw! I hate them :( you have perfect ones xxxxxx
i wonder who this is... ?! love you too x x x x
depends who you are.. ?
no one (: