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Cassie Petersen


Ask meh somfing ^_^

48 Replies

Is it true that you are cheating on Nathan for someone else... If it is go get f***ed... Nathan doesn't deserve to be cheated on, because he's an amazing peerson....

No! I wouldn't cheat on anyone ever! People think I did but that's just a rumor I wouldn't do that! I promised I wouldn't and I don't break my promises! He doesn't deserve to be cheated on and he is a amazing person! I would never do that to him!

cassie.petersen6 replied 3976 days ago 1

Name a movie that made you or nearly made you to cry?

Lord of the rings... I cry easy, don't judge.

cassie.petersen6 replied 3984 days ago

Hello loser ;) <3 <3 <3 <3

Hello f** &lt;3 &lt;3 &lt;3 &lt;3

cassie.petersen6 replied 3985 days ago

You should! It said three people you trust and I WASN'T THERE!!! <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 :''( Brookexxx

Yeah I said there were others! But they were the first three! :( <3 <3 <3

cassie.petersen6 replied 3985 days ago

Woah is that person f***ing serious? No 1 deserves to get cheated on,espically not Cassie! <3 That's so f***ing low, how would u like it if some1 made ur boyfriend/girlfriend cheat on you? Grow up mate it probably has nothing 2 do with you, love ya cassie! <3 Brookexxx

I agree Brooke... Thanks :) <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3

cassie.petersen6 replied 3985 days ago

Best friends?

Fred Bob Jim George Gary

cassie.petersen6 replied 3985 days ago

Don't trust me, do ya Bit**? ;) <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 Brookexxx

:O should I?! ;) <3 <3 <3

cassie.petersen6 replied 3985 days ago

Name 3 people you trust?

There are other but the first three are.. Mum Brandon Tia

cassie.petersen6 replied 3992 days ago 1

You deserved to be cheated on, you Bit**.
Stop flirting with other guys.
I'm happy Maddie made Nathan cheat on you! I hope Nathan dumps you and you go though depression. Ily beb.

And what have I ever done to you? To be honest I only know one person who says "ily beb" I don't even flirt with other guys... Yes I may be friends with more guys than girls that's only because I can relate to them more because I'm not into fashion or makeup like most of the girls. Pretty much all the guys I'm friends with are ones who are gamers, and so am I. I don't flirt with them... Girls and boys can be friends you know! How could I deserve to be cheated on??... I have done absolutely nothing wrong... I have hurt no one.. Unlike some girls, you can never trust them... Not any more... I have lost a best friend but she can't be trusted again.. To think someone like her could do such a thing. If we break up.. I won't be the only one in depression. This problem happened a while ago... Nathan hasn't dumped me yet.. If he truly liked Maddie and purposely cheated on me because he doesn't love me anymore... He would have dumped me a looong time ago.. Don't get your hopes up about him dumping me.. You need to understand the meaning flirting... Don't judge a book by its cover, like they all say.. I mean, Maddie looks like a nice and innocent girl... But really shes a back stabber... She ruined my relationship with someone I love... Maybe she might ruin a few more! Who knows. If you're happy she did, then fine! I don't care. She should answer these... Was it worth it? What did she expect to get out of that? Was was she thinking while it was happening? Why did she do it? Was it because she wanted revenge? Was it because she was lonely? If she loved him she shouldn't of dumped him in the first place. But she went straight back out with Declan.. So obviously she didn't.

cassie.petersen6 replied 4011 days ago 2 3

I heard you were cheated on, what happened?

I'd rather not talk about it.

cassie.petersen6 replied 4012 days ago 1

Kamahamaha! Sir_Baconsworth

You okay there?

cassie.petersen6 replied 4030 days ago


Hahahaha :P

cassie.petersen6 replied 4036 days ago

I LIKE BACON, YOU LIKE BACON, WE'RE THE BACON BUDDIES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


cassie.petersen6 replied 4037 days ago

Heyy bacon buddy xD

You do like bacon right?

Baacaan!!?!?!!? YUS!!

cassie.petersen6 replied 4038 days ago

You truly are a great friend!!

Nawww! Thanks!! :D If I knew who you were I'm sure you're a great friend also!! :D :))

cassie.petersen6 replied 4040 days ago