Visit this profile later to see if your question was answered.
Right about now would be nice
Probably. A lot of people, it would really depend on the sitch.
My docs and anything from dangerfielllldddd
Some more intelligence pls, I don't care how ugly I am. I want to be successful, lol
I would have told him I think it's great how you found a caused you believed in and did everything you could to see it through to the end. He was an inspiration.
Tell a bunch of people what I really thought of them tbh.
Probably.. Weird & annoying
Just to see everyone smiling and happy. & a good camera.
I don't like girls I like guys Guys are life Such guy Much man xox
-Not being such a smart as*. -Having better comebacks when someone's being rude .
This is absolutely legit, I would love the 200 000 000 dollars you're offering me LOL GO AWAY
To be quite honest I personally think I have a really annoying laugh,
Laugh really ****ing hard Then walk out with my fingers in the air screaming " MIDDLE FINGERS UP IF YOU DON'T GIVE A ****"
Wiz fizz
My amazing boyfriend
"It will hurt more than you think it should, but the moments where everything's good, you'll know why you're inlove" and I think that's so true!
Hey Great thanks You!? (:
Would you get off my qooh me and not ask obscene questions, Ty
I looked up *exy on google & it gave me all the answers. You should try!
I think Lillian is beautiful She seems lovely and you shouldn't bad mouth her
Ha ha ha ha really omg , Um falling in love for sure
We found her in the local paper when she was a kitten xox
Knew it aha, Same bro, D; love youuu!
I most likely know who you are. I'm quite bored. Holy ****.
NoT ToO mUcH mYsTeRiOuS sTrAnGeR. YoUrSeLf?
"oi dude, brush your teeth.. It smells like 40 year old coffee, thanks man"... Or just don't say anything!
Idk, i think they would, they just wouldn't picture things we would. They'd picture different things.. Like colours and patterns. They wouldn't dream anything real. They'd dream what they think is normal. Idk, i hope they dream.
Yeah i'm f***ing cheating on him, -.- are you stupid, I would never do that to Rhys.
HAH, and if you ask Rhys.. You'll find out i don't put my mouth around his Dic* -.-
I know , i know. But a mouth as fine as mine, only goes around royal peni.
Awh Baby I love you, some people are just judgemental f***s! Ahaha, you're gorgeous! <3
I sure would not, please go ask someone else and never speak to me again. Ok thankyou.
And all i have to say to you is s*ck my Dic*, I love Rhys. You don't know who he is, or what a great guy he is! So please, I really hope karma a*s f***s you with electric beaters, cos you sound like a huge jerk. I f***ing dare you to inbox me!
Mmm, yeah. I know aha.
Well firstly i didn't think too highly of him because i think he was involved with some bullying earlier in the year, but he could be a good kid now idk. And second, how the f*** did he get himself expelled from Baysie, like.. Is that possible?
Who the f***? Please inbox me on facebook because i would love to have a lovely little rant at you telling you what a jerk you must be. Please inbox me.
How can you be this annoying? whoa.
mum* but idk man, she likes to put on her leopard onsie & pretend she's a cat with our cats. I think that's pretty great.
I do way too many stupid things, so. Just pick a moment
Yes , Mikayla McAlpine, and she knows it ;D jk jk guys.
Oh my gosh this is the sweetest thing, Thankyou! I really hope it will all get better. You're so beautiful! This really made my night, I love you! xo
AHAHA, please f*** off,
Nothing.? Ahaha, She moved away & we weren't really close any ways so we stopped talking.
Yeah i know. ;D thankyou
Awh, thankyou ! this is so sweet, eh so over it all. love you ! <3
No, i'm very far from it :')
I have no idea, James & Sara deffs.
He's not omg ahaha, :')
idk man, i don't want to say someone & then have them awkwardly say we're not close.
Mikayla & I were on the phone when i decided to make one, she suggested the name & it stuck (: yeaaaah.
They're nice guys, all really funny & can be so sweet.
HAHAHHA, omg ikr.
uhm, thankyou x
Rhys, Reece, Reace & Rees
He can get a bit annoying sometimes, but he's a pretty cool guy. Can be really sweet.
Eh, you proably are too.
8 months yesterday. And i love everyday!
Myself. mmm
I can transform into a cat in the dark of the night.
Rhys, and others but eh..
Ofcourse i would. ;o
AHAHAHA, these questions, no. that's the stupidest thing ever, wtf.
....... ......... ...... . ......... .. ........ .... . ... . . . .............. .. . ......... mhm.
Um yes, question :') fo shizzzzle Niki Minaj geez.
ahahahaha, wow. i guess just not feeling it anymore. geez qooh me question.
OHMAHGAWD, I WAS 10 D: stahhppp
ERMAHGERD, question y u do dis.
yes no yes?!? maybeee
Only on the weekends. the weekdays i'm all rhys's x0x
gr8 name baby, fanx for ze idea xox
Surprise from behind.
There's alot of people ;( idk.. old friends, friendships.
Awh this is lovely, he's great! thankyou annon xx :)
OHH ANNON <3 inbox me kk
UHM, :/ Rhys , Mikayla and my cat :') x0x
Rhys is the best thing that has ever happend to me, sure we fight but who even cares.. i love him with everything.. he does not deserve to die, probably the rudest thing to say. he's worth my everything and i love him. -.-
only at bayswater xox
you tell me :o
I iz acculy jelus ov dolan.
Micylea go to sleep, you're drunk x0x
Mikayla, go to sleep. you're drunk x0x
Awh, Please inbox me if this is legit. please xx
OMG :'D wow. That's great ok. Thankyou xx
HAAHAHAHAH :') ahh okk :)
Not today,. soznotsoz. try me tomorrow?