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Haha really? Oh nah nothing really, it isn't much of anyone's business in the first place so I don't know why other people are hearing of it. Such dramatic people at school always gossiping lol wow it annoys me. anyway don't stress it isn't your friendship x
Relationship wise * Hun haha, but I think I'm quite loyal and affectionate when it comes to people I care for. It really depends I think Looks wise, I hate my body lol. Probably the only thing to say about my looks, I hate them Personality wise, well I was quite shy and I put up with too much shiet from people, so I guess it kinda built me up to change and be the strong, determined and outgoing person I am. I'm upfront and it's either I like you or I don't, I won't show you two sides. I give toooo many chances, and I trust too easily which falls back onto me , but apart from that think I'm quite outgoing and bubbly :)
Aw that's heart warming, Thankyou anon :) xxx
S I N G L E m8 :)
I would have but realised it's a mistake, so nah not anymore
Well I guess that's how life works hey, you gain & you lose - nothing much too it. I'm sure it was for the best. I've happily moved on now, I hope you do too.
My family, two friends and my boy ; majority of the time. I'm usually a happy person either way about life
Aw thanks love xx
Ye coz I can
Love you cuz, which one ? Haha xxx
The only reason I didn't post them all cause it means **** to me. But now let me leave something really clear to you. You tell anyone to kill them selves and you're actually ****ed in the head, I don't and can't comprehend what goes on in your head to be able to even say/type/think those words. 1: get a fkn life 2: you're insecurities are getting the best of you get some help darls 3: I would never do such a thing. It's funny how after so many deaths, so many suicides and so many tears people STILL don't understand that you don't say that. Why the fk are you so stupid ? Lol you honestly worry me. Ignorant, self-centred , and an absolute let down to our society. I hope you grow up one day. I really do, god forbid someone says this to your family or kids or anyone you care about and they go through with it. How could you live with yourself knowing you could have been the reason of sometimes death? Yuck.
Aw who is this? Inbox me x
Hahaha you can't please everyone in life , sorry to make you feel that way darling :) maybe take another pathway and give up on trying to make me feel like **** haha, you're making me laugh!
Wow good on you, proud of you!!!!!!!!! I don't really understand the last part of the message , you can tell your English is peaking :p Sorry for not wanting you, if that's the reason as to why you're hating on me daaaaaamn you're gonna have a hard time on getting through with life hahah!
Yeah pretty much lol! I don't see why you're looking so deep into my weight? Honestly , why do you care so much? Haha! If you have a problem with it , don't look at me, don't talk to me, delete me off Facebook and stop talking about it through this lol. It's funny to see you don't have a life and you're so worried about others. Go to the gym yourself and eat healthy yourself, when you have the perfect body then you can come and tell me what I have to do and how I have I look. Until then, good luck and cya :) oh but thanks for the opinion, it's a shame you're anonymous though, cowardly act of shame I guess :/
Oh yes I have but I made this so that I could see what others think of me, not to seek attention and sympathy lol Why does it matter to you anyway, if I want to post only the positive posts then I will ....
K dot Make me breakfast pls :p
Yeah, I actually really do like someone
Kinda complicated . I dunno what we are lol And because he means a lot to me..
Every1 at mi skewl is hWt tho
Ahhhhhhh, don't have 5 best friends lol Mel Ali Giselle