The Internet goes down, suddenly, and forever. What do you do?
Not do my homework... Because I always look up the answers...
What do you wish had never happened to you?
My brother
What's something you tried really hard to like but just couldn't?
Come to africa before korea drops bombs on you and james has thick african dck
Hmmm... I would love to go to Africa, but I don't like flying...
James has african dck and many hoes get in while #luv u from south africanboi 420
Dudes we're just friends! I don't like him in dat way! I just met the dude! And plus ik who likes him and who he likes...........
Hey its SouthAfricanboi420 again say hi to James from Quill OFarrell and Glen Jones and Yusuf and Ahmad and not callum #finnisadck
Finn is rude! Idk you guys but okay I'll tell him...
Whos the chick on james left In your pp
On James' Happy bday post for me? That's my friend Star.
Hey weirdo
Hi weirder weirdo
who do you like hdeck14
No one in Blacksburg