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Every aspect of a shtty person
Om absoluut alles te doen??
Mother (starring Jennifer Lawrence)
It's messed up...
? wel daars baie mense in daai kkas gewees?...?
Both ???
In my huis se trappe, by die laaste trap getrip/geval ,nie meer seker nie?
Genoeg geld om al my onnies om te koop om my te laat slaag ?
Make-up ,clothes and Food obviously??
Don't think you can play me , i'll play you .
Proving someone who thinks they're right that they're wrong.
Respek , goedhartigheid en onselfsugtig te wees . Om net daar te wees vir mekaar wanneer jul nie 'n fantastiese tyd het nie
Going on with my life not getting what i fight for. ?
Money ...
Materialistic things .
Life ,all the good/positive things in life .
And Love ✨
Ag stopit??? jys net soo mooi...?
Nehhh! Ek weet hul is die beste . En Beauty binne En buite ??? , ag dankii ?
Being saved by my sister when a broken table almost collapsed on me when I was a baby only a couple of months old.
And when my friend Demi saved me from drowning . Having them in my life I was definitely blessed.
?? Ken ek jou ??
When I don't see anyone else but him.
Nadia West is my bestie always!!??
?? ag dankii ,Anonymous✨?
Them accepting me as I am , taking the time to get to know me
Food?,,, but it's what I spend all my money on anyway ????
Fake mense ,en mense wat my tyd mors ,mah ek ni nou probleme in my lewe nie??
Dankii...?? vreemdeling?
Nadia West??? in Robertson,en Le Roux in stellies??