Visit this profile later to see if your question was answered.
Oh harsh! Just kidding, I probably don't even care about your existence if you treat me like this! :)
Inbox me! I'll love you!
I would never. X
You're kinda hot
No please tell me who you are. It'll put my mind and yours at ease. Please x
Aw sweets. Delete me if it's that annoying. Don't complain anonymously.
Inbox me now
Favs are Charlotte, Mia, Kimberly, Shauni and Steph :)
I don't have a "perfect" man.. Never really thought about it. Anyone who is taller and not skinnier than me, that's all.
Dem anonymous creepers
.. WHO?
You're exactly the type of person I hate. Someone who compares problems to other problems. You're right, I have access to anything I could ever need.. Except a mental state of mine, which I am doing my best to recover, but I can't when people like you say this. So how about you find someone else to make feel like **** on anonymous, or put it out there who you are.. That'll be fun. ;) Then I can compare your problems to the world when you're upset and see how you like it. Lawl. Get a life, you clearly don't have one.
Then inbox me xx
I have bronchitis!
Yeah I did! But it still was noticeable.. Aw, thanks sweets! x
Eat a **** *****.
No. I respect myself actually.
I am smart..? and what ?
As in about me? Or in other people! Hahahaha.
No, a "friend" shaved half of one off.
You're awesome!
Eyebrow* Fine thank you.
Last night I stayed at Mia's house? I watched movies with people, so the fact that you went out of your way to make this up is hilarious. You just don't make my standards you anonymous loser. :)
That's such a good question because I actually don't know! Probably do whatever I wanted because guys barely cop it for being stupid and making stupid decisions haha!
I'm going to stay with my family in England for a year, then hoping to come back and go to Uni for a double degree in Law and Accounting. :)
Heard you're a compulsive liar and make a lot of things up.. **** you must be stupid. :)
Pretty and white? Hhahahaha what!
ahh very nice !
go f*** a dog
so are you!
the tooth fairy
:O whats a slu* ?! I like this word! :D slu* it's got a star in it :)
I am on skype you silly. :)
I would head to van den bourne if I knew where it was.. I can't really head somewhere that I don't know the location of.. :(
You just said a minute ago you would forgive me. :|
Oh my god. Now I have zero idea who you are! :(
Tell me:(
I don't wanna' say incase I am wrong. :(
Who's formal?
Aw, I'm sure I liked you, hated you then liked you again too! If this is who I think it is.. Thanks baby! If it's someone I don't know then I'm just retarded. You're hot tooooo! (:
Which friday night?
Who is vandenborne?
James who? My brothers name is James. So if you mean him, then no. That would be rank and incest.
Aw, who are you?! I'm sure you're hot too!
One of these guys I used to have a thing with. :D
aw, I think you're beautiful. ?
Furthest I have gone would have to be to London.. That's pretty far!
That I do things for attention. Biggest bullshi* ever.
Noone. :) Forever alone. ?