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Everything but mainly school.....
Idk...go and ask her
Don't really know Katie but she's seems like a nice chick. Erin's gorgeous and we should talk more. xoxox
Depends who it is.....
Lol yesss haha
You spelt it wrong :)
****ingg yes lmao :')
I moved schools. LOL
A maybach car. Cost 8 million bucks. :).
Come off anon and say it to my face f*****.
Cool guy. Nice to talk to and funny as x
......... Wooooooofff
hey anon x i fink im *exy aswell haha! narrrt really xox
im actually a winner ;)) narrrrt really
yea thought so!! ;)
please dont tease me about my homose*uality. it hurts mah feelings ;)
emma ludolff
Troy moody
daniel jones (sikka)
narlie witcthiel
amber paulo
makayla turkovic
tobias laupata
nyafar kueth
shenel emin
emilie templar
chloe gilmore
ebony whytcross
teaghan tweedly
tylah michael
matilda tobin
did 15 haha:))))
whatta guess!!
hello anon x
haha im the only charli walker i know. so id have to be?! x
ilys anon!x<3
hello emilie <3<3 ex oh ex oh
oh good. you dont want your turtles to eat bones. they need a plump horsies
thought so.
reasons. got a problem? say it to my face then x
a cheeky* pink booger finger
most likely. do you feed your horses?
im actually pink booger finger....
umm. shes nice dont know her thatwell but yea