Charlotte Mertikas
I don't think you sent it as a joke to Gen..... Awks
HAHAHAHAHA yeah I'm leso got ya
Thoughts on ellieseckdawg pronto pls ily
Ellieseckdawg is so funny & nice & gorgeous and ily xx
You are such a *****
I don't know what ***** is soz
What dd you ask for your birthday, a treadmill? U gon need dat ****
Hahahahhahah ok
How many chins do you have
Did you ask Angus for nudes?
HAHAHAHAH I sent that to Gen as a joke and he somehow got it
What filter *****
Xxpro of Valencia:)
Why is your face so orange and your neck so pale in your profile picture
Do you even filter?
Who is the top 5 hottest guys in year 9 at braemar
Already answerd this bae
Top 5 year 9 braemar boys
Cameron Dallas
Do u have the same bday as em?
Nah 1 day apart!
You seem really nice! Want to get closer
sure yolo
Thoughts on eew
shes kind of a bad singer, you're welcome.
Fave o2l member?!?
kiki lawley of course
Who do you hang wif
em gen baz josh jack and others come and go
Thoughts on coco?
siq guy