BestFriend stalking you once again.
I love you with all my heart?
You're so special to me.
Thank you for everything.
#hatersiwillbecomingforyou. Sidney.DaSilva
Hey, I think u r beautiful. Can I get ur number.
1-1800-HOTLINEBLING Joking dm me
are you looking for a boy?
Would be nice , but not rushing
Are you looking for a boyfriend at the moment
If I like him - but not in a rush so I'll wait
Do you pull?
I don't know loll
I'm gonna pull you at wonderland
I love your face
I love it too , Jokes you cute anon
Have you ever kissed a girl / friend ? Tounge ?
You have the brightest smile and personality
Aww baby
Do you receive any hateful qoohmes ?
Scroll down :).
Sabrina roamorga
Shes so sweet
Are you and Kelli Kruger friends
Are you and Jordan du preez friends
Are you and amy law friends
You know what Chelly you are beautiful start believing it yoi have the heart of gold and I wouldn't trade you for anything I love you so much
Is sydney ur best fwend?
Yes she's also my lesbian lover and human diary
Brad is rude to me
Brad is rude to everyone , that's what makes brad , brad.
Who's your brother ?
I have three - but my step brother is brad
You are so beautiful
Thanks x
- Sav Fernandes
I love you so much more lovely
Jenna Laubser?
I love her to bits , need to speak to her more though
My Chelly?
I love you with all my heart
I'm happy I am friends with an amazing friend like you
You are my BestFriend?
I don't know what I would do without you.
Love always and forever
~ Sid x Sidney.DaSilva
Ahh my jelly bean , I love you so much you are the best thing that has ever happened to me . thank you for being my best friend and my sister ! Can't wait to see you ?
Dude !!!!! ?? please check your instagram directs from me? ??✖??
I know exactly who you are , please leave me alone . thank you.
Sydney Da Silva?
Sidney* she's very special to me and dont know what I would do without her .
Someone said i should scope this... Chelll ill always love you babes. I didn't even here that rumor but anyways. Love yoou ❤❤ 977629
Niether did I - I love you so much more and hope things go better than they are ❤
Primary school?
Edenglen primaryyy
When did you have your first kiss ?
Rumors say you fcked her up
That's why they are called rumours , its not true , I have no reason to "fck her up" she's a friend , she always has been , we just drifted cause we both began to see people . but I'll always love her
Would you become friends with tannith again?
I am friends with her ?
You are wayy to beautiful!! ???
Jalen?? Hot or not??
Naaaah lol
You are so perfect - I wish I was you . Beautiful and such a nice person !
You are simply an amazing person
Apparently Nikita fcked your ex ?? Or what happened
Nikita is definitely not that kind of girl , I was called a **** for being her friend and I couldn't give two shts about anyone's opinions on who I am friends with now leave me alone .
Would you become friend with Nikita again?
Yes of course
Would you become friend with Nikita again?
Yes of course
Who did you like ? Kieran?
I did until some things were said and done , now we just don't talk .
Kristen Steyn?
Only know Kristen Jayde .
Do you know jaryn mills?
Yea he's like a brother actually
Chelly your fcken beautiful
I miss you x - P/MRS UFO
I miss you as well girl
Prob gonna be dry af but I'll see
Last person you kissed ?
Are you lesbian
100 percent into males
You are beyond beautiful and absolutely gorgeous and whoever sais all this ugly sht about you can fck off..Stay amazing .. Youre just way too adorable
You are so special , you are what makes the world a better place my angel ! Thank you so so much xo
You are beyond beautiful and absolutely gorgeous and whoever sais all this ugly sht about you can fck off..Stay amazing .. Youre just way too adorable
And you are just to special , thank you so much my baby !
Thanks for unfollowing me on Instagram, highly appreciate it
My account is fcked so DM me and I'll follow you :)
I would drag my balls threw broken fired glass just to smell you after a gym session
Sorry I don't gym
Chelly kyla I just wanted to say you are the more stunning girl inside and out you don't deserve anything you've been through my sweetie I love you and you are so inspiring you love to meet new people and just so lovely to be around thank you!
Thank you for that message you don't understand how much I take everything you have said to heart , its makes me so so happy to see there is kind people in this world , you are so so special my love !
How old are you
I'm pretty sure I've answered this
Do you do squats coz your A$$ is spontaneous
Have you ever sneezed so hard you shat yourself ?
No, have you ?
Best guy friend ?
I don't have - just have really close mates
Is bryce a fvckboy?
Who's bryce ?
Is bryce a fvckboy?
I don't even know who bryce is
Is bryce your bae?
Bryce ?
You are such a **** .
I'm such a star ?
You are so ugly omf , don't know what guys see you in like wtf leaving me for you ?,yuck.
Trust me I'd rather be ugly then be you .
When will you have $ex
When I'm married to my special partner
Have you got fingered ?
I am way to young for that
Youngest you would date ?
Depends on maturity really
Alex Tsonis
That's my main person he's so cute
Do you like anyone
Ah nahh
Why you so off over the phone but when we meet you , you blow our minds with your personality and beauty
I'm just not really a phone type of person but I'll def try to improve just for you baby thank you
What size are your boo*s
They pretty big almost like soccer balls on my chest , sometimes they super hard to like contain . Joking !
Saw you at Miami vice ??
Do you like anyone in Saheti x
I love some people in saheti
You are so beautiful
Thanx baby !
You have the bubbliest personality ever like some girls need to get a personality like yours
You are so special thank you so much
You looked beautiful on saturday
Thanx baby xo
Your friend was so drunk she prob slept around you stupid btch
Listen here you **** , I made sure I was okay to take good care of her . she was with me the whole night . unlike you dck head I actually do take care of the ones I love , so if you have any other sht to say shut your fcken mouth , cause you making a toss out of yourself
Have you given a bj ?
Slow down bru I'm 16 , to young for that.
How far have you been
What happened with talia ?
I don't get along with her
What turns you off in a person?
Arrogant or have no personality