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Chelsea DiGregorio



225 Replies

You've changed so much. You're like corrupted. You never used to wanna do the sht you do now. Where's Chelsea gone?

Um k.

chelsea_deegs replied 3276 days ago

Such a sick c u n t doing pills and sht fck yeah can I be just like you? Wanna be a mad cun.t just like you, screwin my life up and sht. Thinking you're tough as cause you do them aye.

Um you need a chill.

chelsea_deegs replied 3276 days ago

Babe ?


chelsea_deegs replied 3282 days ago

If you lost everything tomorrow, whose arms would you run into to make everything ok ?

That one person who means everything to me but they don't know it... :(

chelsea_deegs replied 3305 days ago

Chelsea You Beautiful Don't Let People Tell You Different Ignore The Hate

awwe thankyou! xx

chelsea_deegs replied 3330 days ago

You are chat. Fuking stupid skan.k lol

thanks :) means alot xx

chelsea_deegs replied 3330 days ago

Actually you rude c u n t Chelsea is not fat or an ugly hoe why don't you go f u c k yourself you worthless s k a n k any boy would be luck to have her

thankyou! :) love whoever this is xx

chelsea_deegs replied 3330 days ago

I actually miss you so much. </3

miss you too :(

chelsea_deegs replied 3330 days ago

Chelsea will have the right person when she does. so what if shes had bad experiences, shes strong enough to get through it all and ignore all you A$$holes. Pity that shes strong enough to wait for the right person, because obvs all her exs werent the right 1 bethanny_xoxo

ill find the right guy one day :)

chelsea_deegs replied 3330 days ago

2. who gives a sht about who shes been with, they have obviously been the wrong ones, 3. you do not have the right to say that kinda sht. 4. you are a total A$$hole to say all of those things. bethanny_xoxo

hehe thanks for being here :)

chelsea_deegs replied 3330 days ago

ok, whoever the fck said that, you are completely wrong on so many levels. 1. chelsea is one of the most nicest and caring girls out there, she will have the right person when the time comes. bethanny_xoxo

thankyou so much :) i dont get many people standing up for me often

chelsea_deegs replied 3330 days ago

can keep a boyf! noone wants u dont u understand that. kyle didnt want you neither did zac or any other guy uve been with theres been so many i lost count take a long hard look in the mirror hun maybe ull realise that ur just an ugly fat ho* that noone wants:*


chelsea_deegs replied 3344 days ago

How do you want people to treat you ?

However they would like to be treated back.

chelsea_deegs replied 3368 days ago

looked mint at Wah btw ;)

aha awe thankyou :) who is this?

chelsea_deegs replied 3373 days ago

what where you on? ahaha ping /10

none ya

chelsea_deegs replied 3373 days ago