Visit this profile later to see if your question was answered.
Nothing at all!!
Sure am
Sorry to disappoint but I didn't :/
Hahaha I never had *ex with Matt
Awks for you considering I wasn't at wonderland...... :')
Midwife :))
I'm going to guess your talking about Will? And I thought him and I where done with everything but I've been hearing lately that he's been saying stuff again which is making me feel uncomfortable about being at some what peace with him. I just want us to have a truce and stop saying bad things about each other. I know I've stopped and I just want him to as well. But to answer your question I do sometimes but we're both with other people now and I'm happy for him.
My passionate hate for drugs theses days is ridiculous so no I don't
He didn't f u c k Madi I know that for a fact and I wouldn't care if he did
If you where really his girlfriend you would know that I wouldn't send those questions because of our situation. And don't bother calling me anything 'darlzzz' you don't even know me and if you did you would know I'm far from immature.
Aw 'babe' why would I waste my time? Your just trying to stir the pot and its just going to make things worse for him, not me. I'm happy with everything going on in my life and from what I've been told so is Will and I'm really happy for you and him. I'm glad he's found a girl who makes him feel amazing, I just couldn't do that anymore but I'm glad you can. If this actually from who ever Will's with xx
Everything my boyfriend is haha
Sure do
Yes of course I do, I don't go a day without thinking of him it isn't always good things but most days it is. I miss him everyday and I don't think that's going away anytime soon. No we don't talk anymore and I wouldn't say were friends but I wouldn't say we hate each other either soo yeah :)
He loves all of me, good or bad. How corny hahaha
Before- Jack because he was always so cute about it During-Jake I don't know why haha After- Chris because he's the only guy that actually stuck by me and actually wants me for more then just the physical
As in before, during or after haha?
Such a babe and looks pretty mint in a cherrleading shirt tbh
Alex, Pappo, Corey, Joe, Sam M, Jords, Maxwell there are to many to name!
The fact that at that time absolutely nothing else matters and that the person your with cares for you, how corny of me!
Oh you ;))
In all seriousness people who use other people for *ex are ****ing pathetic, they don't understand how much that can f u c k up a person and there life, so no and I never will!
What are you on about Eb I'm an absolute saint
Franken-f***** Abigail Nicholson Miss B Spencer Eb-boner
Bit of both tbh
175629846290 :)
Hard call to make
Why don't Maccas deliver?
Approximately 87 years, 3 months, 16 hours and 29 minutes ago
I'm practically Jesus' mum
1. The fact that I'm obsessed with pizza & 2. The fact that I have this stupid feeling as though I always need a guy and even if I find one who treats me like **** I'll keep going back to them because I'm a ****head ://
Hahahahaha yes :')
Uh oh!
Hey now! Jack's a nice guy
What do you mean? Hahaha
I couldn't narrow it down to just one but top 2 are Jack and Jake :)))
There are so many! Nicole and Rudes Abbey and Darcy Jordy and Callista Byrdee and Pat Courtney and Kyle There are load's!
Hahaha Jake and I are just friend's 'huh'. He got in with 10 girls last weekend and go on him haha high five for Jake!
I'm happy for him actually..... He deserves the world and I just couldn't give that to him but I'm glad he's happy :)
The fact that people are to weak to say what they really think to someone's face so they'll say it behind a computer screen, it really grinds my gears!
Liam, Andrew and Molly :)
Thank you for sticking up for me :)
Haha thank you, so are you xx
Thanks Jake xxx
Aw really how did your team go!?
BAM! Thank you xx
Thank you xx
Haha probably! Thank you xx
Thank you xxx
Thank you anonymous friend xxx love you to!
Love you Sammy boy xx
Good thing I don't have any
I think we've been over this anonymous person...
Nope still kickin
This doesn't even make sense hahahaha
Then keep dreaming
No one likes a coward either babe sorry xxx
If that's what you think then good on you 'love'
Lol no
Words can change lives and just try and think about things before you say them, please and thank you.
BAHAHAHAHA NO! We're friends :)
Love & miss both of them! Xxx
Naaa didn't happen
Why thank you :) I'm glad you like them haha
Hahaha absolutely no one!
Love you moreee!!!! xxxxxx
I haven't said anything about her, why would I bother? What do I achieve from it? So don't go telling people to "shut the **** up" anonymously, it's stupid.
Hahah thanks x
She's an absolute babe and I love her that much! She's beautiful inside and out!
Depends on which class... Homeroom is Teale Cooking is Liz and Tayla Horticulture is Chloe and Ash And Outdoor Rec is Holly, Liam and Katie
Ahhh I couldn't answer this question....
Will was an amazing guy but things ended really badly :( Matt was really great to though, he actually put up with me hahahaha
Love my little midget to pieces! xx
This is embarrassingly stupid but neither of us even knew what it was back then but I can assure you that we didn't.
Okay so I don't why you know that but personally I would probably take it to the VET and you to a psychologist, but hey that's just me.
I don't know what that means hahah?
HAHAHA Matt and I never actually had *ex hahaha
She's one of my best friends in the entire world! I can't imagine my world without her and I don't want to either. She means so much to me, I miss her like crazy and I want her to come home :(
lovely girls :)
DD-E depends on the type of bra I guess
That's between her and I.
I think that it's a great thing as long as the 2 people involved are actually in love, it's called making love for a reason so yeah :)
Eb- That girl is my world I seriously love her soo soo much!!! Jess- I don't know which Jess you're talking about but I'm going to assume Miller, I did like her till she did something farely dog. Georgia- Same thing again I dont know which one but I think It's Chisholm, she's really nice and sooo fricken beautiful!!!
LOVE HER! I miss her soo much!!!! She's always here for me and takes care of me xxx
Hahah Matt's a little sweetheart!
Love you more Chelso xx
Couldn't choose one but Abbey, Brydee and Tayla
Aww thank you! xx
I used to now I don't