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Awww Meggy! Thanks buddy, too cute :D am trying to kick butt, i really am! But we'll see :P miss u and love u stukkend too! Xx
Grumpy or Meggy? :P Am I right?
Get keeeeeeen!!!! :D
I is doubt that :p
There are honestly a few!
What do you mean?
Awwww but why?!
No, that would be overboard and annoying. If I did then it would be because I didn't trust them.
Well everyone's just lame and I'm "Dee-Dee awesome" :P can't help it ':D
Hahaha yes!!! I know someone who seems to wiggle their way out of the friendzone all the time :P!
It's so chilled dude :P
Well thank you :) I'm pretty sure you're cool too :D xx
Hmmm... I wonder who this could be?! A certain creature from Ladysmith?! I think yes :D thanks brah :)!!! Lovies you too neh ;;) <3
Luvies you too Meggy ;) :D. Xx
Bleeding Out, Take Me Home and Wake Me Up :)
Hahahaha oh goodness! X_x :P where'd you hear that?! It might be true :P
Like what? :/
Maybe.................................................... :P
I'll try! But I really can't help it, it just happens!! #kbye :P
Gees that was ages ago, it's a long story... Bbm me? :)
Maaaaaybe.... Maybe not :P
Let's hope I'm still going :P this PAT isn't going so well but will try :D I'm glad I changed your mind! #partaaaaypartaaaay! :D
Eish, I have a few of those to be honest =D dem okes be craaaaazeee! :P
How can there be no such thing as cool lame if you're cool lame?! :/
You're lame, but you're cool lame B-) I'm just a cool cat :D
Hahahahah fine I will :P coz you're lame!
Awwwwwww :* I'm sorry, whoever you are ;)
Your qoohme isn't working coz you're lame :P
Shouldn't you be sleeping or something?! :P
Yeah buddeeee :D love it! :p
Depends on who you are? :P ;;)
Me?! Crazy?! Don't joke! :P
Yeah, I think you're cool B-)
Yeah buddy! :D
Then why don\'t you come visit? :) whoever you may be :P
That stork thing brings them! :P
Don\'t you like chickens?! They\'re just really cute! :D :P
I always wash between my toes :D
I don\'t know, you tell me :P
With the garlic rolls?!
What question?!
Oh yes, they are the shizzzz*** but cheezey garlic rolls!! Now those are even better!!! :D
Is this by any chance Meghan?! :P hahaha
Haha! What kind of a question is this?! =D #ripped!
Say whaaaaat?!
No-one :)