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Olala Olala main hoon teri fantasy (: (: (:

281 Replies

Where are youuu?

And! You 'liked' my DP :O <3 *_*

Reply sooner no?

- Same admirer. :*

YAA ikr! Password bhul shul gaya tha :$ How are you admirer? :*

chitarth replied 4234 days ago

would you date aparna?

Aparna kon ? :S

chitarth replied 4371 days ago

would you date kanika?

Ya but then arham would kill me with his robotic moves :3

chitarth replied 4371 days ago

would you date cheshtaa?

Like DUH!

chitarth replied 4371 days ago 1

would u date simran?

Abbbiouslllllyyyyyyy B)

chitarth replied 4371 days ago 1

I miss you :c

You are my faantaaaaasy <3 Bala619

I miss you too man. And your pasta and maggi!
Stay In touch man <3

chitarth replied 4371 days ago

Haloooo siir :*
How did the retest go ? Dhruven

HALLYO partymen :*
Lol I failed that shi* also. Man maths and me (YYY)
Bff for life.

chitarth replied 4371 days ago

No no :P

I'm from Delhiii. :D

You have no idea about my existence, which is totally understandable. :P

-Same admirer :*

Ohhh you\'re from delhi :O
Yaa would like to know though :*

chitarth replied 4371 days ago

I love the way you Dance, :O <3

Thaaaaankyoooou :*

chitarth replied 4371 days ago

Face HMD

I miss you tooo man!
f*** LIFE.
I wish I continued hating you.

chitarth replied 4375 days ago

Haha, I knowww you don't remember. :P
Precisely why I gave that sorta hint. :D

But.. Umm.. You're just so.. HOT?
And I've said that before :/
And, from all that I've heard, you're a great sa person too!
How I wish I could tell you who I am!
- Same admirer :*

Thankyou so much man!
Are you in dps shj? :P

chitarth replied 4375 days ago

Ssup Chandigarh? Surbhi

Loook man juliet. The name is Chitarth. Chitarth singh panwar. Yaaad rakhna. B/

chitarth replied 4376 days ago 1

Also, do you remember a friend of yours telling you to accept a friend request from some girl on Facebook? When you said you don't even know her, what would you talk to her about?

Think? I'm THAT girl :P

-Same admirer *_* :*

I\'m sorrz I don\'t remember :$

chitarth replied 4376 days ago

I'd love to let you know who I am, the only thing that stops me from doing that is that maybe.. just maybe you won't want to talk to me :/

But hey, I've got yet another question!
How does Chandigarh handle so much hotness? :*

Man why would you even think that?

Cause chandi is too cool :*

chitarth replied 4376 days ago

Howz school there? Are u known for dancing yet ovrthr?

Man trust me I got some real weird as* people in my school, Its just fine I don\'t really like it that much.
Hahahah not really :P

chitarth replied 4377 days ago