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Chloe kilpatrick


Just do it ✔️

1.3k Replies

What mistake will you never make again?

A certain boy. My mains knows who I'm talking about.

chlo99 replied 3026 days ago 3

If you could only wear one piece of clothing for the rest of your life, what would it be?

One comfy af shirt

chlo99 replied 3032 days ago 1

Why aren't you famous?

Best of both worlds ✌️

chlo99 replied 3045 days ago

What and who do you miss??

I miss being happy, and phoebe.

chlo99 replied 3045 days ago

Tash Jose??

Absolutely adore her, such a lovely girl, so fckn gorgeous omg, got a lot of love for her, been talking for a week or so but we instantly clicked! Cannot wait to meet you, ily xxx

chlo99 replied 3074 days ago

Why do you have that scar ?

Because when I was 12 I had the decison to either walk or be disabled and me being me decided to get the scoliosis operation because I'm very brave and now loving my battle scar. :))))

chlo99 replied 3085 days ago 4

Snap streaks?

Sydnie- 4
Petey- 4
Christopher- 6
Phoebe- 6
Shenae- 18
Georgia- 4

chlo99 replied 3089 days ago 3

You and phoebe are seriously goals youze make me so happy I love your friendship never let it go

Bloody oath we took it to the next level somewhere on the river "I <3 PR" is chillin

chlo99 replied 3090 days ago 1 1

If you were God for a day, what would you do?

I'm god everyday

chlo99 replied 3091 days ago 1

What or who has recently grabbed your attention and why ?

Phoebs oliv

chlo99 replied 3096 days ago 1

Who do people always say you look like?

Justin biebers girlfriend, hmm coincidence? ;)

chlo99 replied 3104 days ago 3

Last 5 inboxes, snaps, texts?

Inboxes- Caitlyn, Rachael, 18th December ?, Shenae, robbie.
Snapchat- Declan, Caitlin, phoebe, Petey, Christopher.
Texts- phoebe, Rachael, Shenae, Petey, Chloe.

chlo99 replied 3107 days ago 4

What in your opinion, is a huge waste of money?

All those money scabs at school, am I right?

chlo99 replied 3107 days ago 1 2

Your current mood ?


chlo99 replied 3112 days ago

Last song you played before replying to this ?

What do you mean?

chlo99 replied 3115 days ago 2