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Chloe Parker


amuse or abuse me

88 Replies

you would never go for me anyways.. :( your so perfect and im like far from it

I'm not. Perfect doesn't exist. And I'm sure you're a lovely person.

chloe_elise replied 4109 days ago

you are so beautiful chloe and the best thing is you're actually down to earth as well :) i love that about you!
i really like you but its hard to just tell you straight up, person to person, because i get nervous about it...

I'm nothing you should be nervous about trust me, it's just plan old me. Just talk to me. :) Thank you though, that's so sweet and beautiful of you! I try to stay humble, there's already to many cruel people in this world as it is.

chloe_elise replied 4122 days ago

Your actually so beautiful

You're mistaken with that one, but thanks.

chloe_elise replied 4122 days ago



chloe_elise replied 4172 days ago

how was your weekend? anything interesting happen? :)

Actually fabulous, went out with my girl Friday night, and went to my mates 21st Saturday night :) how was your weekend anon?

chloe_elise replied 4176 days ago

Your pretty much incredible I like you a lot and I think your the most beautiful girl in the universe!!

Nawh. Isn't this the sweetest thing! Thanks anon :*

chloe_elise replied 4181 days ago

What's going on with you and ricky

We're close pals and happy with how things are going :)

chloe_elise replied 4184 days ago



aw you're such a beautiful boy skittle

chloe_elise replied 4185 days ago

Hello! Will you ever fall in love with me? No.. You won't. :(
You are beautiful.

Aw well you can't really pick who you fall in love with I'm sorry, but thanks. You're beautiful too anon

chloe_elise replied 4185 days ago

you and elise are both pethetic slu*s hah

oh if you really want to abuse someone and actually have some form of an affect on us, which clearly it doesn't, try learning to spell correctly first. :)

chloe_elise replied 4256 days ago

hahaha this is so funny!! chloe i dont even care what you think , can you get that through ya stupid head? you and elise both have discusting personalities hah just though you should know

Thought* Hahhaha and babe, you're so adorable I love it. Like I wish I was as tough as you an abuse old 'friends' on anonymous it's so cute Elise is beautiful and just because you don't know how to have fun anymore it's not my problem, have a good life babe cause I'm glad we're not friends

chloe_elise replied 4256 days ago

ah well, i just think you've changed into a cold hearted Bit** just like elise, think what ya like its just my opinion and at least you know what i think

Hahhahahh. It's funny, because obviously we were never friends, because you don't know me one little bit at all. Elise is wonderful person. You're opinion is invalid because I don't even know who you are, miss anonymous hahaa! and to be honest I'd like to know because you seem like such a wonderful person, that's probably why I'm still 'friends' with you today lol

chloe_elise replied 4257 days ago

Lol that is f***ing clas*ic that someone can say that she has changed she is the least stuck up person I know and is nice to everyone. LOL Get f***ed whoever you are we have no time for you your a your the disappointing one writing that on here
Love elise xx

People think they are so tough saying that over anonymous, I love it. Hahaha. I love you baby so much, you're so amazing. People can think what they like because at the end of the day I wouldn't swap you for anyone!

chloe_elise replied 4257 days ago

ever since you started hanging with elise you changed into the same sorta person she is, stuck up and just treat others with less respect.. dissapointed chloe i used to be close with you but im not gunna be around that kinda person

I find it really rude when people disrespect my friends especially ones I'm close with. I love Elise and i don't think she is anything like that, especially when you get to know her. If you think i've 'changed' by hanging with someone well that's your perspective because If you were a close true friend of mine you'd know I'm still the same person and if you have something to say you'd talk to me about this in person like real friends do, not hide behind a computer screen (that really sorts everything out), obviously you're not a very good friend. I've come to realise I don't need fake friends in my life and i'm not putting up with being hurt by people like that anymore. Inbox me or text me if you really have a problem with me. :)

chloe_elise replied 4258 days ago

You have the most gorgeous smile!! And your so beautiful!

You're* But thank you so much!

chloe_elise replied 4265 days ago