Chloe Goldman
I thought Trent was really close friend who is always there for you
He is. ? Ur point?
What makes you genuinely happy?
Food ?
Mash,Dom,James. Who is your bestest friend? (Choose only one)
James ❤...but only BECAUSE I've known him for the longest, but i love them allllll
Also good friend ?
You and Bruce a thing?
We just friends ❤
Which grade 7 are you closest to.
Probably Kazimla ?
this should be hard for you...go dm me
Wow ???
Are u back together with Bruce?!
No, we just close friends. ❤
Where did you get that shirt in your latest pic ?
Im not sure sorry ?❤
Chinese Japanese Portuguese $ex Please????
Im good ??
Have u had your period?
Obviously? ?
You so pretty girl of the year?
Aww thank you! ?
~DM me. ❤
Would u date mash????
No because if anything had to happen, i wouldnt want it to ruin our friendship. ?
Who do you text the most?
Hehe?. They know! ?❤
So Matthew is not your best friend cause u didn't mention him in my other question
I still love him to bits but i HARDLY see him anymore. ??
Do you like someone? If so who? Xx
Nah. Dont like anyone. X
Best friends???(girls and guys)
Chloé N
Chloé C
James O
Heres a scenario. You and a rapist are on a tall platform over a deep pit. You push them off but they grab the edge and hold on. You stand above them, looking down at them hanging off the edge for dear life.
In detail what do you do to them? No weapons
I dunno? ??
Would you date another race
Of course. That doesnt matter to me. X
I I You are a rose in a bush of thorns?
You are the moon and the stars that light up my night sky✨?
Your smile brightens my day?
You are the water in my desert ?
What do I have to do to make you mines?
Thats cute. ?❤
~Dm me. X
fck me babe
Im good thanks. X
What do u think of Matthew P
We not that close, but he's cool. X ?
- you know who?
I do? ??
You're the most amazing person I know! ?
Thank u so much! ❤❤
-DM me. X
You're amazing!!
Thank you. ❤
-Dm me. X
$ex is the way of life
Very true. ??
69 please baby!
Im fine thanks. X ?
Why would u be friends with Dominic and Munashe? They so annoying.
Thanks for ur opinion, tho i really dont care. ??
Love uuuuuuu
Dunno who u r, but love u toooo ?❤❤
When were you the most happy and why?
Last year. ? ~ everything was so perfect...then it got fcked up ?
What are you bad at ?
Forgetting. X ?
Who's the cutest boy in your grade??
Ill pass ?
What do you want the most right now?
The old times. ?
Who do you miss out of the people that have left your class over the last 2 years?
Nieka, Mack and Matthew. ❤❤
Chloe Ncube
My best fraaaaaaaaaaaaand. ❤? Words cant even DESCRIBE how much i love this onnnnnnne. ❤??
R u sad that Matthew never came to the food fair
I wish he could've come. X
James O
Also one of my CLOSEST friends! He has never left my side. X. Lots of love for this onnnne. ❤
Good friend and really sweet, but we not as close anymore. ❤?
Dominic Oh
Soooooo funny! Love him lotssss ?❤
A really good friend that i miss so muuuuuch. ❤?
Munashe mata
One of my bestest fraaaaaaaaands. Love him so muuuch! ❤❤
Do you have a boyfriend?
Nope. X
Do you answer your dms?
Yea i do. ??
What specific thing do you dislike about people?
I dont have one specific thing that i dislike about all people? ??
Trent Nelson
A very food friend. X. is always here for me. ?
What's the best luck you have ever had in your life?
The weird way in which i met this one perso n. ? But now i love them to bits. X??
James.O or Munashe i think they both like u
They both dont like me! We are all just close friends.
I don't know you can I dm you
Of course. ?
Is it true that ur gonna go to grade 9?
I was going to, but i decided it would be better for me to stay in grade 8. X
James O likes u
No he doesnt. We are just very close friends. X
What happened to Dom and Chloé
They got in a fight, but they sorted it out now. X
How old are you?
14. ? 15 only next Jan ?
Who are you currently ignoring and why?
Im not 8 years old? ??
Who's your boyfriend?
Dont have one. X
me or bruce ?
nah, jk
(but its obviously me ?)
Name please? ??
What is something you need to get off your chest?
fck, there is so muuuuuuch! ?
James.O or Bruce
I dont choose between people that are all close to me? ?
Who'd you kiss? (Your story)
Dm me and ill tell u. Xx ??
What is on your mind?
Only one thing. ?
Is Matthew Seager a close friend
Most muscular guy you know
Dont know ?
Who is ur best guyfriend now
I dont have a 'best guy friend' NOW. I still feel the same about all my friends that are guys, as i did before. ?
Do u like James.O?
We just friends. ?
Looking for a new boyfriend?
No. Not interested.
What's 9+10
Hey Darrien ?
Why are you happy today?
Im not.
What makes you instantly like a person?
When someone goes out of their way, to make you or someone else happy. Xx
Do u mastrabate
Nice spelling ?
I'm sure your ex loves you very much and made a mistake cuz you are an amazing girl
What percentage is your phone's battery on right now?
67% ?
Do you like your school lol
Yea? ?
What little thing pisses you off greatly?
When people act immature ?
You seem cool :)
Thank u very much ??
You're beautiful ???
Thank u so much! ??
Why don't you come visit me sometime we only found each other's numbers a little while ago but we were good friends
Im sure I'd love to! ?...but i dunno who u are? ?
Y do u like me?
Maybe i could tell u if i knew who u were ??
who would u date in ur grade
Know one! ??
Is Matthew Seger your boyfriend?
NO. ?
Who do u want to be with in class next year? (boys)
Dom, mash, James O ❤ , and if mack and Matty weren't leaving. -them too??
Who will u miss next year
Nieka, matty, and mack! ?❤❤