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Chloe Butters


Amuse or Abuse:) xxx

92 Replies

Thoughts? Jake_Growden

Your nice when you want to be but I must say you can get annoying:) but your one of my clostest

chloebutters04 replied 3727 days ago

Thoughts xx mhynes

You are so pretty and your a great basketball we and netball like omg we have gotten so close and yeah:)

chloebutters04 replied 3727 days ago

Thoughts?x Cailey.scott

Most amazing girl ever, your one of my closest and I can trust you with anything ;) xxx

chloebutters04 replied 3727 days ago

How awesome are you on a scale of 1 to 10?


chloebutters04 replied 3727 days ago

Who do you think is dying next on Game of thrones?

Never seen it wouldn't know

chloebutters04 replied 3734 days ago

The worst thing that happend to you this week?


chloebutters04 replied 3737 days ago

Who would be cute with:
Lochie M
Joe J
Dallas E
Sharlyn S
Brad E

Lochie & Katelyn, Joe & Chloe.S, Dallas idk, sharlyn idk, Brad & Lily

chloebutters04 replied 3739 days ago 1

Thoughts? (; Jake_Growden

Nice, good to be around class is so fun, your ok looking and your one of my closest:)

chloebutters04 replied 3745 days ago

Aww Chloe that's so sweet ;) you love me the most in the whole world ;) hah x
And whoever said I'm gay stuff you! :') ily Ellena2000

Oh course I do:) xxx

chloebutters04 replied 3745 days ago 1

Your answer makes no sense... And you have tiny tiny ones bby xx Chloesargeantx

Shut up

chloebutters04 replied 3745 days ago

I'm about to piss myself from laughing hahaha we know you've got "big ones" ;) hahahahahahahahaahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhaahahahhahahaahhaahahahahahahahahhaahahhahahahahahahahaahahahahahhaahahahahhahahaahahhaahhaahhaahhahaahhaahahahahahhahahahahaaha x Chloesargeantx

What's quot and I have huge ones love.

chloebutters04 replied 3745 days ago 1

Hahahahaha what a dumb as* you can't be s.exy if your boo.bless!
Remember when you said you had big ones today :') hahaha funniest thing Chloesargeantx

I am *exy, haha jks and i have big ones thank you very much. Xx

chloebutters04 replied 3745 days ago 1

Someone's got a crush on you:) ohh lahh lahh:)

Ahahha neg.

chloebutters04 replied 3745 days ago 1



chloebutters04 replied 3745 days ago 3

why u so pretty?

HA! Thanks anon!

chloebutters04 replied 3745 days ago 1