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Ask away

1k Replies

Your not even worth it, everything everyone says about you is true

Okay and what's that?

chloegeorge replied 3375 days ago

A close friendship/relationship you've lost and want back ?

Theres a few good friendships and relationships I'v had with people I miss

chloegeorge replied 3401 days ago

Your actually a dôg, shîttest friend

Lol ok. If your my 'friend' then tell me off anonymous babe x

chloegeorge replied 3401 days ago

Better then bree on jet ski ;) Jaykpapoulis

You wish jelly fish ;)

chloegeorge replied 3419 days ago

thoughts on jayky p x

Aw ur a Lovely boy! Funny and super nice + attractive and good to go with on the JetSki ;)

chloegeorge replied 3430 days ago

List of hot year 11s

Brianna, Bree, Breanna,Bri

chloegeorge replied 3441 days ago

You looked amazing at the Tat races, you should model!!!

Whoops That was ages ago but thank you so much! And No way am I modelling! Hahah xx

chloegeorge replied 3441 days ago

what colour and kind of dress you wearing to formal?

I'm actually wearing a suit..

chloegeorge replied 3542 days ago

I can't wait to see you dressed up for your formal you will look beautiful !!!

Awww thankyou!!! Xxxx

chloegeorge replied 3542 days ago

Are you doing your deb? Who with?

Yeah I am!! With Liam Duguid :)

chloegeorge replied 3542 days ago

Who are you dating?

You xxx

chloegeorge replied 3589 days ago

Seriously Chloe you are absolutely beautiful, you have the nicest smile and I love it when you laugh. Just wanted to let you know gorgeous xo

Aww wow that just made my day! Thank you so much that's so sweet, you should inbox me xx

chloegeorge replied 3594 days ago

Are you and jack Huggard a thing

Wtf! No hahahah we are just good friends

chloegeorge replied 3597 days ago

Thought we were close...

Oh.. I'm sorry :( I only had a limit of the amount Of people I could invite

chloegeorge replied 3599 days ago

Current mood?

Tired, sick and weak :(

chloegeorge replied 3599 days ago