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Chloe Weatherhead


ask me stufffffffff

1.6k Replies

It's legit Brandon & i do miss you

And you legit clearly have a boring life if you have to pretend to be someone else ?

chloenicole6 replied 3321 days ago

Because i don't have it either but i do miss you. You said you wont start start talking first, so hear i am doing it

Your friends do

chloenicole6 replied 3321 days ago

Text Brandons number and i guarantee he'll reply with exactly what is said on here. I miss you Chloe

I don't have it, why don't you text mine?

chloenicole6 replied 3321 days ago

Maybe i am. Who knows but it really is me and i really do miss you

It says you are.. & that's great you're full of sht or you would have messaged me or been off anonymous ?

chloenicole6 replied 3321 days ago

How do you know that? It is 100% me

Because you wouldn't be on anonymous lol

chloenicole6 replied 3321 days ago

It's Brandon, Chloe. We aren't fb friends but i miss you and i still love you and i have since day 1. I know you'll post this so i get sht but it's true

Yeah, I know he wouldn't write this. Nice try honey. I give you credit for that xxxx

chloenicole6 replied 3321 days ago

Well i was blocked. You recently liked my friends comment but i still love you. You were my first real love

i have 0 idea what you're talking about and who you are. So you can message me if you miss or love me that much

chloenicole6 replied 3321 days ago

Because we have no way or communicating other than here, we never talk anymore. We're blocked from eachother but i still love you

I have no one blocked on anything. Nice try pal

chloenicole6 replied 3321 days ago

You're not close with me anymore but i still love you alot and always have but i always wanted my space too

Then why wouldn't you just message me or something then haha so confused rn

chloenicole6 replied 3321 days ago

I'm a person who was once closer to you than any other and i still love you no matter what happened

I'm still close with the same people I've always been close with so lol

chloenicole6 replied 3321 days ago

You know who i am, you just gotta think hard about it but deep in your heart, you know it's me, like it or not

Yeah look I have absolutely no idea haha, haven't been to school in a while I've forgotten how to think. You're gonna have to tell me haha

chloenicole6 replied 3321 days ago

I uh, hope you're doing well and i miss you

Who's this??

chloenicole6 replied 3322 days ago

What do you want more than anything else in the world ,right now ?

For Rafael Nadal to be in my bed

chloenicole6 replied 3328 days ago

Why do you have that scar ?

Because I'm probably the most clumsiest person you'll ever meet

chloenicole6 replied 3333 days ago

Will you and Brandon ever be friends?

I doubt it.

chloenicole6 replied 3333 days ago