Visit this profile later to see if your question was answered.
And you legit clearly have a boring life if you have to pretend to be someone else ?
Your friends do
I don't have it, why don't you text mine?
It says you are.. & that's great you're full of sht or you would have messaged me or been off anonymous ?
Because you wouldn't be on anonymous lol
Yeah, I know he wouldn't write this. Nice try honey. I give you credit for that xxxx
i have 0 idea what you're talking about and who you are. So you can message me if you miss or love me that much
I have no one blocked on anything. Nice try pal
Then why wouldn't you just message me or something then haha so confused rn
I'm still close with the same people I've always been close with so lol
Yeah look I have absolutely no idea haha, haven't been to school in a while I've forgotten how to think. You're gonna have to tell me haha
Who's this??
For Rafael Nadal to be in my bed
Because I'm probably the most clumsiest person you'll ever meet
I doubt it.
In the gull mate
Send all those mother fkrs who did me wrong, straight to hell :)
Just before, at myself because I locked myself out :(
I don't regret anything, but there's a few things I would of done differently
Not even sure hahah, lots of things do!
tiffany & co, Thomas sabo, food, alcohol, clothes, shoes, my phone, make up, fake tan, my dogs, Holidays, and that's all I can think of right now haha
Primary school & the others high school :)
My mum, or my dad, or my sisters
Alcohol, you just vomit it up. or food, you just sht it out
I'm not? & not sure why it would matter. I'm nearly 19
Very good thank u
I'd say a strong 8
Oh Jesus, where do I start lol
I have a new one everyday
Nothing. I'm perfect
Where do I begin? Actually I have no idea hahahah
Because my goal is to be happy!
A lot of things. But at the end of the day, none of it matters :)
I'm $exy & I know it
Gossip girl, as Blair. Hands down!!
Hahah yeahh
If you want to know this stuff inbox me because I'm moving on from all this crap, more exciting things happening haha ask about them
Haha okay. Now moving on
Haha thank you! I know, I want good questions not this!
No she didn't haha. Where have you been the past couple of months? ?
With my nan, until after schoolies and then in Warragul
Hahah oh well. People are always gonna judge no matter what! May as well have fun
Not Obvious who this is ? You must know so much!
Haha true
She's not new but yeah
Yeah, he's pretty good
Aw who is this kind soul? So much love xxx
Atar & future
Lol, you hear some sht mate
Haha secret ?
At school in grade 6 with Ryan ?
I don't know?
In London, with my husband & majority of my 12 kids in my mansion!
So far, I've had a few. But I believe my very happiest is yet to come!
That selling stuff is hard work
I finished high school for the first time today!
Because I'd tell a wanker on anonymous
My sister stole my gym shorts last week
What are you talking about?
You didn't even see me
Well since I didn't have much else to do, I counted them all.. We have 24
Savage ??
Not really ahah, life's just better when nobody knows what you're up to I guess!
No comment ?
I assume so haha
I swear all these questions are the same. But it means everything I guess
Haha okay ?
That's a secret I'll never tell, xoxo. Gossip Girl
Next year, my mum wouldn't let me go back this year bc too injury prone and not good in year 12 ?
You tell me haha you guys made it up ?
Not that I know of.
Because I'm fabulous
What the hell you talking about? I don't get things handed to me. My parents like me saving the money and do the best they can for us kids to have what we need and want also knowing the importance of money and having to work hard to get it. So you don't know sht.
Do whatever makes you happy, as long as that doesn't involved hurting someone else or ruining their happiness!
Hahahaha yes! ?
Alcohol, money, studying, talking, shopping idk man hahaha
I don't love anything about him tbh
HAHHAHAHA learn something new about yourself everyday.. ?
Thank you. But tell him this hqha, I already know what he's like. Better to tell him not me :)
Exactly right. I saw it coming months ago. So I prepared myself and made myself happy! :)
It is good. But with who?
Think were coming up to about 26
Now that song is stuck in my head ?
Aww thank you honey. It's a good feeling!
Hahahah my niggas ❤️
Well he can wait can't he.. Haha nah we will worry about that time when it comes :)
Getting a good education, having fun, doing you, then to become successful and have a family!
Well I don't have anyone new and don't plan to for a long time. Like I've said to everyone, I'm focusing on my self for a while and it's working out good for me! And we all knew that would happen, but I doubt he would say anything like that.
Where the hell you getting this from? & how is that weird though?