Best compliment you have ever received ?
You have a nice toe
How do you deal with failure?
Ask mr. Dutt he seems to know everything
What one thing do you want the other person to do that would fix things between you?
Don't be a ***** in the first place
Favourite age you've been so far and why ?
A body part you think you could do without ?
jas johnson is facetiming me atm trying to cut shapes and she cant
my heads hurt :(, cant really sleep well with my head right now :S JarrodP14
Try banging your head against a brick wall it usually helps the sleep issues
What do you think is the most useless class in high school?
Anything with Nikita in it
A memory you want to forget ?
A few
Who is this :')
What is your nickname ?
Chlo is about as good as it gets
Dream holiday destination ?
Anywhere would be good atm
What is the one thing that should be taught in school that isn’t already?
What does your perfect day look like?
Cool selfie.
What selfie m8
What have you always wanted ? Did you ever get it ?
Idk man
What are you allergic to?
When was the last time you cried and why ?
What class are you in?
How come you used fake likes on Instagram a couple months ago
Yeah man fake likes :') I can't believe people actually waste their time making up this ****
Can u name sum
There was like 50 anon
Who hooked up at jess's?
What has wasted your time the most this year ?
T.D and its smokes
Lamborghini or Ferrari?
Hey chloe wat ya doing right now this very second ?!:) JarrodP14
Um :')
Wtf Chloe no one uses qooh me these days not even me, qooh me is not cool anymore~ anon xx:);$<3:) Jasmynjohnsonn
Who ever this Plz come of anon I'm depressed :(((((((((((((((((((((((((
Lolllllll didn't know people still used qooh me
Fail man cos you obvs do :') Lollllllll :')
Name anyone you dated in the past ?
Haven't dated anyone man
What is your biggest success up until now?
what are you going as to jess's party?
I'm putting amy in a cella
Leetttt me enettiain you
Typo lol
Letttttt me entertain youuuu
Hottest year 8 boys 2015
Eliza rich and Jas J
Who would you want with you if you were stranded on a deserted island?
What’s my best physical feature?
I wouldn't know man
Your instagram is so uninteresting you should be ashamed of yourself it's the end of the fking world... Samanthaallen
Oh I deleted that question because it was so dumb :') wtf tho
How much do you weigh?
00000000.000001 g. Need to loose a bit
What was your last dream about ?
Jarrod and jas betraying me
Does jas like jarrod asewell or just the one of you both?
Hi jarrod
What do you thinkif jarrod p????????? :)
Hi jarrod
u don't hate me do you ? :-( JarrodP14
stop coming on my qooh m8 :')
Plans for the new year ?
Too many to name but it's Gon be great:')
The best song in 2014 for you ?
Jas johnson Singing on her story tbh
What did you get for christmas ?
santas a legend
Who would you take a bullet for?
Jarrod Phillips
What is attractive about you?
My little toe
Thoughts on that Tanae chick that you said should go put with someone?
I'm so confused? But anyway Tanae is one of the funniest chicks I've ever met and she's so nice it's crazy. Really good to be around and hang out with, freak at netty, really pretty and ily. X
Do you look for the inside personality or the looks?
Well I'm friends with jas and she looks like a rat but she's nice so.. Btw stop asking me these questions.
Your biggest wish ?
For tanae and Jarrod to go out
Friends u have made most recently?
Jarrod Phillips
In the heart you live in mildy aye chloe hahah xxx Alanaralli
Yesyes, actually wish I did hahaha xx miss you
cant talk on kik Alex has hidden my ipod :/ soz JarrodP14
V cool v swag I like it
What would you change about one of your friends if you could ?
Grace abela to stop stealing the blanket but she can still let me.
How do you want to end 2014 ?
Best girl pals? ;)
Rubz it's gal pals. You'd be one of them, jas, any, brylie and I'm close with a few others :)
What is your biggest fear?
Spiders :((((((
Okay babe, be tee dubs jas wants you
What does your perfect day look like?
As long and Ebony Milne and Eliza rich are seen within my day, it's pretty perfection
JJ can open doors lol
I love how all you gissys call her JJ and yes she can 100%
many people are goinu to Ebonys thinj on Wednesday?
Cocka doodle doo
Your as cool as the last person
My nipple is 40 cm wide
Who is this? Cos your really cool
What was the size of your last poo
10 days ago,
What's your favorite fashion item ?
Jas's outfit for Gerald's party
What turns you off ?
Usually a switch
How long do you want to live?
Gonna be the worlds oldest lady :')
thoughts on the recent situation
what situation??????
closest friends? out of all??
Jas Johnson and Amy Iskra
This needs to stop. J.J A.I B.C G.A E.T I.M
Your dream Job?
Something where I don't have to sit at a desk all day!!
Ur bio is so stupid lol
so i think your saying melbourne is stupid?
i think I've been asked this question like 1308793579823589 times
Your Dream Job?
Amy iskras model agent
Who is Jarrod Pillips?
Jas's boy
Who have met most recently, that u would become friends with?
I've been asked this so many times pal
U r so ugly and annoying ew
Your so gay and immature ew
Is this Chloe Royal
You tell me
hey anon **** off leave chloe alone she hasnt done anything to caitlin they dont even know each other so **** off mate brodie_parr
There's some **** going on at your school quite the drama lama. Thanks brod x.
Leave Caitlin the FUC,K alone.
Weirdest person you know??
theres a few
really pretty and nice, id like to get to know you more, also a pisser