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Seriocly that's wat u say...... Do u guys honestly only think with your Dic*s!!!!!!
Haha you neva no and I'm not f***ing around with anyone the guy with the gf is my exs best friend and well he hates me
What guy with the gf
Dude did u folow me from my other qooh me to here.... Well that was stupid!!!!
Look I made a mistake dumping chris I do know that but I'm sorry iv been cheated on befor and I wasn't gana let it happen again yes I do know he didn't do it and iv said sorry to him but btw gr8 little chrissy loved his ex while dating me then gave me kak for my crushes
Hahaha I neva said I wasn't one :P but I'm only Bit** if I have a reason to do it!!!!!!!!
Ping me and tell me who u r!!!! I don't go on blind dates.......
Who are ÿoü if °? may ask???°? dono who ÿoü are
That's wat °? do:D;)!!*
Nope.ofc not!!!*..but if she gona make °?t impossible to then yes °? would
°? relli dono ey:)*probably just try move on °? guess
Its the past boet:)!!!*everyone makkes stuff up ...nobody °?s perfect ??? °? forgive him...??? she wasn't mÿ gf at that time wen he was cheating with her so °? relli dnt mind...poeple forget ??? forgive ??? °? haVe done so
Ÿoü called me stupid:'(!!!!!!!!
Ey:|!!!!!*im not stupid:(!!!° mÿ fav cuz...mmmmmm wait its jade;D
Yes she makes me very happy...and no she means the world to me !!!!* stop asking stupid questions coze you knw wat she means to me!!!!*
Nope sorry mÿ chick makes me happy<3
UHMMMM?????°? dono;;)?
Yip pritty much;;)!!!*gf makes °?t better
UhmX_X!!!*can only be rebecca
=))!!!!!!!!hahahahahahahahahhahhahahahah °? forgivies ÿoü:Plolz!!°
No its coze people talk rubbish on °?t...if °? kept all mÿ qooh mes id have like 500 answersX_X!!