christelle scholtz
Misss jou!!!:(
Hay haha wie jy?*
As j kon kies,, sou j in Pta bly of in Vdpk??
In pta dis baja leka hier!*
Hayhay , hu is Kloofies vir jou ? ;;)
Mal leka dis n awesome skool!*
Wats foud ???
Ag n lang storie!!
Het j al gevry?:D
Nee,,,* haha
Hey stella hoop j geniet dt nog dar ander kant di mense is weird en lelik
Ek weet neh hahahaᵔ.ᵔ
wi j\",,*
Hi, ken ju nogie goet nie neh.Ma jys owwlik en nice!Muni die mense reply wat lelike gut se nie, hule is net sick!En het probleme,hule is te bang om dit in ju gesig te se,want hule het nie gutS nie !! Ma anyway ,, lekki week vijuw neh !! (G) :p
Wich blimsem says youre the best girl ever
Nag lekke slp luv u stella ( meg)
Hey Stella j Is bja awesome !!!*sien ju more by skl liefies ju baja ;)
Tx lief ju ♡K bja
Nee eks eerste opi lys vn n bikini pc kry 3
wie j\",,*
Do you want a toffie for a boner of a boner for a toffie
Hey baby kn ek geld kry
Get a free Psp when you give me blower
No thank you!!*
Give me bikini pic of you
Jigig mense hou op so vieslik sickos wees!Kry iets betr om te doen los vi Stella yt goeie hel!
Tx iemand wat saam stem en dankie !!!* wie j\",,*?as ek mag vra!,*
Nag engel leke slaap love u (p
Tx U to!!!*
Ek stem saam j is vrek mooi ma ni so seker ori ander hehe rrg fhm hehe en kn iemnd se wi sipo en sy bestie is ek wl al 2 B (3)
Ooo hahahaᵔ.ᵔ
ok,\"* !!!*
I'm nobody just playing you're nice and sweat have a nice day and night
Wt de hell sipo is a dush
Hy moet my uitlos !!!*
You are ling you know him he told me you. Where kissing in his bed again and he loves you I am his best frend and you lie you sed you love him!!!!
Your crazy who are you and what is you\'r name!!??
Wt de hell sipo is a dush. U
May n please have a pic of you
Look on my pp!!!*
Please send R20 to 0613496027
No !!*
Free FHM available in bloemfontein spar
Can i tell you a secret
Wie ken n sipo
Ek ken hom nie!!!*
Win R50 airtime when you recharge with MIFO. U
Baby let me lick that oe ! I really wanne touch that baby let me kiss that
Never !!!*in you\'re live and PS you\'re sick!!*
Kn ek j mamma kry
Your se*y girl I know it
And how
Ek weni ek weni of j my sl doenni
Los my uit asb!!*
Let me kiss yoh naked as*
Eeu !!!*
Wi de hell is sipo
Ek weet rerig nie !!!*
No Sipo told me you had a first kiss so that is a good start for you !! He is nice and you is his tipe !!! Are you gona kiss again?
Oms never !!! And I didn\'t kiss him and I will not kiss him !!!*
In watse skool is jy
In Waterkloof nj
I heard you like Sipo is dat so hahahaha hi is you're tipe you shoud go for him!!!!!!
Sorry I have alredy someone in mind!!*
Jap party mense is siek
Ja*x*x ek se ju
Hey ds () hwjd oo en im gonne kill E
Hkm hy ht nx gedn ni ds ek wt vn hm hu
*Sho Stella party mense is darm SIEK!!Sif man!
Ek weet dis vieslik hul ormone pla hulle jis ek is rrg kwaad !!!*wie j\",,* hahahaᵔ.ᵔ
How old are you and are you single
I am almost 14 and I am singel !!*
What skool do jou go to
Like j my
As j\",,* se wie j\",,* is dn sl ek se
So wt is dit
Die naam jammer ek is nu ni by ni !!*
Im jah kn n naam wees seker ma .
Oooo ok,\"*
Vind the hidden word vertdbruwersdkarhg it begins with E
Is dt iemand se naam
I like you 2 babe
Tx hahahaᵔ.ᵔ
I hope I see you soon!!*
Zikiziki ham ham
Your weird please leave me alone!!*
Kiss me as* babe
No thanks and sick!!*
Kwl☻ I love me to!!*hahaha
J BI$.; yos breaks mieg hard
Sorry hahahaᵔ.ᵔ
Hey i want to go to bed with you do the jiki jiki
O my soul never !!!*
Huh? hahahaᵔ.ᵔ
DhDkIdf. Fdjfbdjkdf gjkdf vind the hidden sentence
I realy don\'t no hahahaᵔ.ᵔ
Nag stella leke slaap geniet more (E)
Tx hahahaᵔ.ᵔ
j\",,* ok,\"*
Jah you showerd
Then why did you ask me that?
The quy you like whats his name
What letter does his name start with
Hey ds evert jah sit meer pics vn j op bbm asb
Ai ok,\"*
Hey stella mis jw ok bja (hug)Lene veral os geselsies
ok,\"* mis ju baja
Wie mis j di meeste VDBP
Almal hahahaᵔ.ᵔ
en die meeste Lene
Whats the guys name
What guy ?
Jah sit meer pics vn j op bbm asb
Ok,\"* ek sal as j\",,* vi my se wie j\",,* is
No you showerd
In your dreams !!*
Hey wi like j die naam
Vra vir my op bbm dan sal ek ju atw hahahaᵔ.ᵔ
Stay awesome baby love you
tx who are you and tx !!*
Heloooo Stella'kie ♡ . . Ek is sooo bly jy's my maaitjie , jy is n baie nice persoon , bly so awesome!* :: Liefies Michelle ;) xx
Tx j\",,* hahahaᵔ.ᵔ
liefies ju ok,\"* en bly sulke oulike miQ
Sies onthu j my ni eers ni hehehe ek lewe bja ver van jw hehehe
ek wet ma da is baja VDBParkers!!*
Hahaha jy is een van die awesomste vriendinne ooit haha bly soos jy is want jy is perfek (: van C
Dnki hahahaᵔ.ᵔ
wie is j\",,*
Hey baby love you
Ok,\"* who are you?
Why why dont you do me looked so good in the shower last night
I didn\'t shouwer I bathed!!!**
Who is that guy in your school who you like
I don\'t no there are manny hahahaᵔ.ᵔ
Are you busy tonight
No not realy why?**
Wt bedoel j nou dt ek dnk so ou in limpopo?
ek wti
Put more pics of you on your bbm profile
Hey Christelle'ie lie-lie hierso * jy's 'n oulike maawq hoOr liefies ju mwah :)
Hey* hahahaᵔ.ᵔ
tx j\",,* ou wie j\",,*
Hey sussa lief jw bja dt jw bff hoop ek nog
Hey* umm as ek mag vra wie is j\",,* hahahaᵔ.ᵔ
ma liefies j\",,* baja
Hey sussa mis jw bja bja hoop j geniet dt dar anderkant (Sad)
Hey* wie is j\",,* ek mis jul ok,\"* daaikant
Haha nee disi NyQ ni!!*
Ok,\"* wie is j\",,* dn !!*
Hehe nee se j!
Asb ek vra mooi is dt NyQ!!*
Nu dt ek so dnk n outjie in Limpopo hahahaᵔ.ᵔ
*Hehehehe*Wie ws jw beste pel in VDBP?
Ok,\"* ek sal se as j\",,* se vi hu lank hahahaᵔ.ᵔ
Hey sussa hoop j weet wie ek mis jw bja , wens j ws by os heheheh
Hey* ek mis ju ok,\"* as ek mag vra wie is j\",,* ek hoop j\",,* ken my gd hahahaᵔ.ᵔ
Hey sussa hoop j weet wie ek mis jw bja , wens j ws by os heheheh
Mis ju ok,\"* hahahaᵔ.ᵔ
wie is j\",,*?
Hey* sussa hgdî— hoop ek sien ju weer liefies ju !!* christelle7
Hey* ja*x*x ek hoop ok,\"* ek sien ju wee geniet dt daaikant en PS love ju nuwe hairstyle!!*
Who do you like?
Someone in my school!!*
Who would you wanne date?
Umm someone spesial !!*
Hey maiQ!! * :p j's awesome hwr - mut nooit veanner ni!! * liefies jw bje*! Mwah xoxo ~nadea//kii xoxo
ok,\"* dankie liefies ju ok,\"* onthu hu altyd dai smile by ju nimand mag hm steel ni !!*
Jy ook stella !* xxxxx my anner helfte daars i vlermuis!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Hehehe (: lalsie
ja*x*x kan onthu ws so fun aandjie!!
Missies jw bjah*!!
Mis ju ok,\"* baja liefies ju onthu ek sal jul nooit vergeet ni wie j\",,*
Wa jou koene?
Haha in my tas was besig om dt te gn haal hahahaᵔ.ᵔ
wie is j\",,*
Hey my anner helfte!!!!!! (:* xxx eks baie lief vi ju my sus ! Jy is die beste xx*xx heheheh bly so awesome! (:
Tx Kyla liefies ju baja!!*sien more geniet daggie veder!!*
Who are you dating and why?
No one no reason *!!