Are you happy you went to sion? If not what school would you pick?
yeah I like Sion! I used to hate it but I love all the friends I've made and I know I'll be friends with some of my gals forever ❤️❤️
you CANCER looking dog and your fat!!!!! no wonder you work at maccas you fat dog
HAHAHAH ooft thanks babe you flatter me heaps :')
Your gross
And a spud
But ily
don't worry about the low lives that put you down! there is so much that is so beautiful and and unique about you. I don't know you well but you seem like such a gorgeous person with such a warm heart and thats an admirable quality! don't change for anyone <3
omg thanks so much!!! I don't plan to <3 xxxxx
I miss the primary school fellas too! I havent really seen anyone :/ a catch up would be perfff ❤️❤️
definitely!! I wanna get onto that
Love you ciaraaaa <3
lovin youuuu ❤️❤️❤️
Zif you havent replied to my long as paragraph
what paragraph? :)
Yo Ciara, havent seen you since primary! you dont look any different, still look cute and gorgeous. Also you have an amazing bod
omg I miss my primary school buds so much :( we need a catch up asap ❤️❤️❤️ thanks xxx
Cute getting your boys to text me haha
Whoever was saying that **** too Ciara you're a ****ing disgusting human I can't believe someone would say **** like that seriously take a hard look at yourself, Ciara shouldn't have to deal with **** like that
thank you!! <3
You're a really pretty girl :) xxx
thanks Hun :) xxxx
Every time you walk past me at school the ground shakes
hahaha aw babe I love how you're trying to et my attention this way <3
You so scared of me not replying for hours *****
hahahaha I have a thing called a life, you should get one too xxxx
Haha idk look tbh babe your obese in not I have friends you don't i get boys you don't unless they are ugly or desperate xoxo
hahahahah thanks babe you give the best compliments <3
And I don't have to see you ever again hahah lol ****
surely you have things to do like study? even though you just had your English exam I think you should catch up on spelling lol. you can't even school a kid younger than you haha xoxo
Btw you have no clue who I am you'll never know who this is
wow you sound super threatening :)
Babe I'm only scared that you'll sit on me
fuar you're coming up with some good fatty jokes :')
Btw babe I was only pretending to be nice to you at school xx
lol you just sound scared of me now hahaha come out from behind the screen cutie
Fatty fatty fatty all you do is eat
mmmm food is love food is life
dw ur not fat and i know cause i've seen all of you
oh hahaha thanks you :)
Aww that's cute getting your little group of squeakers to defend you haha cute little year 11's
awww squeakers? I'm getting an idea of who you are ;) it's funny cos I don't ask anyone to back me up xoxo
Alright who ever this low life s*** who's insulting ciara stop. You are a uneducated idiot and if I found out who this is I will knock you down a peg or two
ILY <3 hahaha
Haha correct my spelling haha I may be dumb but atleast I'm not a fat **** xoxo
oooof I'd rather be fat than dumb tho :) xoxo
I bet you way atleast 80kg babe haha
it's funny cos I weigh* under that. babe
I have a phobia off fat people so please cover up in your photos like ew seriously
why are you friends with me on facebook if my photos offend you lol
The only excersise you do is s*cking ****
fwoah there's a thing called netball I play twice a week, but nah s*cking **** uses way more energy :)
Your an embarrassment to sion
cool thanks xxxx
1800 Jenny Craig babe
HAAHHAHAAHAH you're good
You are fat babe xoxo
thanks xoxo
Lukes a downgrade from Loki
I haven't even gotten in with Luke? I'm allowed friends lol
Your t*** are only big Cuase your fat haha lawl
hahahaha I'm not fat you're jealous :)
Thoughts on s.scales
kwl dude
Do u think u have anything with luke?
umm were just friends hahah
Everyone at friars knows you desperate as and willing to get with anything that has two legs and a d1ck
You should just were no make up on Halloween and no push up bra that would scare the **** out of anyone lol
HAHAHA my boo*s would still be big but oath that'd be funny
what are you dressing up as for spooky halloween ?
Thing 1
apparently you and luke hayward are ****ing
hahahahahahaha says who
who is the king of the froth?
Whats the go with you and Liam?
me and Liam are friends haha
that advantage WD call was perfection
heheheheheheheheh I know :') :*
do you consider yourself a feminist
Thoughts Daniel bonnett?
kwl dude xx
don't physically give yourself to someone to win them. you are so much more than that. :)
never :)
that question made me giggle
I lol'd too
lets have a some
you gay lol hehehhehehehehehehehhehehhehhehehheh
hehehehehehehheheheheheheh you funny
Ciz mate hit me up with some nudes
lollllll no
You were so lovely to meet and youre gorgeous and lovely :) and yeah just stay lovely
thank you! means a lot x
Oh my, just had the best pull over your mystory with the tan lines, omg.
hahaahahahha wat
You're one very attractive girl
thank u
Kuda thinks you're the most awesomest sheila out
ahaha thanks youuuu :)))
stopp hating on liam ya gronks
they're just jealous ;)
What year level you in?
any guys you wanna get to know better?
as friends
yeahhh um bob mick lachie connor few more I guess :)
lol already, another relationship?
but with a bong rat
omfgggggg we don't have a thing, or a relationship. jeez relax ok. and Liam's not a bong rat
liam is an upgrade from loki lol he's heaps hotter
thanks bae
Come over and we can play barbies
OMG yaaaas
Prettiest year 10s at your school?
sis, Molly, Molly, Monica, sez
Why does my heart melt everytime I think of you?
aw u cutie :*
ily you're a cutie from molly ellery (from work at box hill north mcdonalds)
ilysm molly
Larve u (from bianca)
ilysm binx ❤️
Drinks a mine get round!!!
hellz yeaaah
want 2 kiss?? xx
t0t3s b@be
meet you later for a dart yeah?
oath lad ;)
Do you think older guys are hot?
yeah ;)
is jimmy dys next??
What sort of 15 year old does googs?
who's 15?
We can sink bevvies
**** oath
Meet up with me tonight near your house? Xxx
not at my house but sure lol
oh i never knew you and liam had a thing?
we don't lol
How much do you love George out of 10
omg like 100/10
loki a flog???
mixed feelings atm
downgrading 4 sure
no ahahha
best friend?
morgs and al
how come ur downgrading and going for a druggie after lachie???
lollll downgrading? nahh
Liam's not a druggie ahahahha
Detailed thourghts on
sam scales
gus mcleod
hamish hodder
hamish n Sam primary school buddies, cool dudes
gus sorry man don't really know ya
Ciara doesn't wanna be friends with Sam because he's an ***hole so leave him alone
true that ay thanks :*
Loki pulled the classic hit and run... what a little dog
yeah ikr :/
Say the old feelings for Sam Howell and the new ones.
You should be friends with Sam Howell again :)
Now that you and Loki are finished, start talking to Sam howell again?
Why couldn't you just meet up with Sam howell?
I don't want to
Sam wants to be friends again
boo hoo
Why'd you dog Sam Howell?
he ended our friendship, not me
You and Sam Howell would be a cute couple ;)
har har
Do you think Sam howell is hot?
Hi my name is kuda and I think you're and awesome fella keep it up!
ahaha thanks kuda :))
Thoughts on Sam howell?
no thoughts
What maccss do you work at?
box hill north
other than not breaking up with you in person, has loki done anything else wrong???
other than breaking my heart, nope I don't think so