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Lol. . . Coz I see wat you cant! Common, dnt b shallow. Dares alot more 2 galz dan jst looks. =/
Ahm. . . I'm as single as a dollar!
Yep. . . -_-
Lol. . . Dude, wen did I stop being awesome?
wow. . . Don't judge me ok?! U dnt hav a clue!
hahaha. . . Towlie!
Nooooooooooo. . . . . Rocelle and Anne? Okay, I'm officially bowing!
hahahahaha. . . Honestly? Wel, itz gud 2 b bak.
*snif* *snif*. . . I can smell a dip**** in da air! Azariah! LMAO!
Red and black are definitely appealing! But skin tone and other factor also come in2 play, so it isn't solid.
Lol. . . Long story mate! It was just a misunderstandin. Nothng serious!
Anonymous! Ya bak ey?! So wat secret is that exactly? :)
I think I miss u too! :/
If I did, I'm sori 4 doing so but things don't change, we as people are the ones that change! There is nothing in this world that is constant but inconstancy!
:). . . If u are who I tink u are, yes u may!
Yeah. . . Cours I do! :/
*gasps* ME???!! :O I can't believ u wud even ask me that! *shaking head*
100% baby. . . Wait. . . Wat exactly are we toking abou?! *smiles mischievously*
Usually I wud say myself! But that's a lie. . . Coz I'v met Jesus! :)
Hahaha. . . Yes you are mimi!!! ;p Love you too! ;) <3
That isn't a question! Its like some of u jst don't get da concept! -_-
Muito Obrigado Querida!
Eminem baby!
Mmmmh. . . *Inbox me!*
I would do anytang 4 da pipo I love!
Lol. . . Really?!!! :O
*resisting urge to give offensive remark*
Anyway, Ignorance is bliss isn't it?
Shes my dearest sister who I love with all my heart!! :)))
Hahahahahahaha. . . Wheres the Mary Jane?! :D
Ahm. . . I don't know. But I hope she's gud! :/
I can't say. Wouldn't want to giv any1 dat kinda leverage!
Yeah. I wud for the people I really care about in a heart beat!
ahm. . . Ask Tina Turner. She's probably figured dat out by nw.
Well, that dependz on ur definition of a relationship but I gues am single!
Depends on what I want you to see.
I try not to be. . . It usually gives people the wrong idea!
. . . . *Thinks hard*. . . I wish I could but the word doesn't exist! No one anticipated there ever being a being like me! *Smiling wildly*
:). . . None. I choose to do things *MY WAY*!!!
*Pausing for dramatic effect* I feel, F**KING AWESOME!!! Plz pardon my French! :->
:). . . I like you anonymous! You remind me of me!
The question is, what wouldn't I risk for her?
Idk!!! It zn't ideal but, in certain situations it might slide!!!
LOL. . . I don't think I'm cocky! Dares a difference between appreciating urself and being cocky!! Wen som1 says "wow. . . You look goregeous" it znt wrong to say "Yeah, I do, don't I?"!! I know it myt seem dat way but I dint accidentally luk gud! Ofcourse, u hav to put in a thank u somewhere but it's gud to appreciate urself!!! And it's also good to flatter urself, coz if u don't, who will???
lol, No problem! Just do the best you can! No matter what u get, it feels a lot better knowing u did all u can when it mattered most! Ur welcome! I wish you all the best in your exams! God bless!
I can't tell u my biggest but, dare was once I met some chick with the most beautiful eyes i have ever seen. They were pure silver and just made me melt completely! We really hit it off.... to cut the long story short.... She disappeared and I've never seen her again! I don't even know her name! And eri1 i was with had no idea who she was! I even wonder if she was real somtymz!! :/
New years eve of 09'!!!! I don't think one man is allowed to consume so much.... "Fanta"...... in one night!! lol
:). . . I bet you find this entertaining, don't you??
How bored are you?
Robbert???? 1st of all, ROBERT is spelt with one b! 2nd, MY NAME IS NOT ROBERT!!!!!!
I'm forcing myself not to give you a sarcastic answer. . .
Yeah, I guess so! Lol. . . I remember feeling da same! Xul really sukd in da last couple of months bt u jst hav to go through it!!
Wow, datz flatering! :) Uhm. . . I dont really knw hw I got wat I got! It wasnt easy. I jst let go of eritang n eri1 dat dint matter!
1) God! Neva 4got him! If u wana pass itz definatly gotta be throu hm.
2) Eri second counts! Even 2 minutes b4 da exam count! Itz neva 2o late! Chemistry taught me dat! I thought I ws gona get a straight U bt thanks 2 God n da way I usd da 5 weeks I had left, I managd 2 do alot betta than eri1 thot!
3) Listen 2 ur teachers! Ryt nw, eritang dey say z gona help u pass if u actually listen! Teacherz r usually major piss offs, bt dey mak senc wen u actually tink abou wat dey say. My Chem teacher really helpd me! Sh made 2o much sens wen I nided it most.
4) Oh, n get rid of facebook n ur 4n if u can! Itz only 4 2 months and u wont regret it if u do!! Most of da people dat u tok 2 probubly wont b in ur life afta u write ur examz. It soundz harsh bt itz true!
5) Go through eri past paper u can get ur hands on. They really help u wit answering questions in da exam.
I dnt knw hw eri1 else feels about dis bt, I tink dats hw I managd 2 get thru my O levelz! :/
:). . . More than any1 realy knws! And dat znt a question!
I cnt really say i'v completd xul coz I'm stil in xul. I startd doing A levelz so ama be busy wit my AS exams 4 da next couple of months! Afta dat I dnt really knw watz next. Dis buk is as much of a mystrey 2 me as it z 2 u. I knw dat its ideal dat I shud knw by nw bt a decision datz gona affect my entire lyf znt at all easy to make!
:O. . . I'm thoroughly shocked ryt nw!! Z everitang ok?! U knw, somtimes itz gud 2 call upon jesus wen ya goin through a rough patch in ur life. He z always willng to listen and help you go through anytang as long as you cal upon him! ;). . . Think about it! =)
Wat kind of retarded question z dis?!
lol. . . So, watz insulting me gona do exactly?! I dnt "manna" knw anytang! Feel free to drop by anytym, my dogs just LOVE visitors!
:). . . Me?! Lol Itz not fair! I dnt knw ur name! :/
Ahm. . . I dnt knw. Arnt I suppozd 2 b asking u dat?!
Hahahahaha. . . How cud I ever 4got?! Some moments jst burn in2 ur memory 4eva!
haha. . . Gr8 memories jst came rushng 2 my head. :)
p.s. 2 da ada question, find out some of da tingz dat usd 2 happen in my classroom n da galz bathroom!! :))) U'l even get jelous!
hahaha. . . Itz one of my life philosophies! :)
I highly doubt dat I wud! I'm not lyk dat! Plus, doing ish lyk dat znt kul!
Ahm. . . Itz way 2o long to tell! Bt inbox me somtym n ama tell u!
I'm average. I'v bin betta bt I'm surviving.
Nah. Doin stuff lyk dat znt me anymore!
wow... Itz bin years! How u doing? Nah I dnt. U jst havnt been in lsk in lyk 4eva! I've really missed you! U shud come by somtym soon ey!
lol. . . Itz too complicatd 2 tok abou here! Inbox me on f.b or holla on my line!
Luk at my ada answers if u still wana knw.
I'm a GUNNER till da death of me baby!!
Not really. . . :/
ah. . . I'v faild 2 answer dis question mweh! Lol
mmmmh, Sori anonymus! If I knew u I wud probubly tel u!
idk! I can't read mindz! Ax da pipo dat believe dat!
mmmmmh. . . . You probubly wouldn't see me as the same person if I told you! ;))))
lol, itz MZUNZE not MUNZUNZE! I wont answer ur question! Wat happen btwn em is none of my business so I dnt tink I can say anytang. . . Plus, I wudnt tok abou my friendz n dey'r livz wit som1 hu znt part of em! And I dnt knw u on top of dat!
lol. . . . Ever herd the saying, "Smile. It confuses people."???
Yeah I hav.
P.S. Being heartbroken doesn't only hav 2 do wit a galz!
ahm. . . Chicken?!
:O. . . . That's so rude!
No, I don't! Shz my sister from another mister! ;)
Yeah I do! Not as close as I wish we wer.
Hahahahaha. . . I can't even imagine wat I wud do. It wud b da most awkward moment of my life! I'd probubly laugh my arse off. . .
I wud live lyk dares no 2mowo! I probubly wudnt tell any1. I'd make a video sayin wat I nid 2 n den I'd c my family n do eritang I'v wantd 2 do dat I can do. I'd probubly pray aswel n jst spend time with the people I love. N I probubly wudnt even look at a watch da whole nyt!
Ahm. . . With my brain??!!! *_*
hahaha. . . . Not really! I like being mixd! I thnk of myself as Hanna Montanna! I'v got the best of both worlds! ;)
Hahaha. . . We're both kul lyk dat! ;)
I think they fly! Bt they probubly take the school-bbbuuuuzzzzzzz!!! Lol
Ahm. . . Dey'r about 7 more or so. Dey'r probubly alot more bt I 4got to giv em my name n number! You knw me, always so responsible. Lol
RED!! Bt I like BLACK aswell!!! *yeah, it znt a colour bt still*
Yeah I wud n I hav. I definatly dnt lyk em thou! Dey rarely go da way u expect em 2. I lyk both! Light or dark, I tink both are beautiful. It jst dependz on da galz personality, humour n otha atributz.
mmmmh. . . 11?! Lol jk *If u dnt chuff urself hu will?*
I dnt tink I can. I wudnt really knw bt I wud say am definatly around 5/6/7/8/9. Dependz on hw much effort I put in2 hw I wana luk.
Ahm. . . No. I don't thnk I have!
Yeah!! I do!