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If its gabs. I didn't direct anything to you I was just saying that Nathan told me something different from what the picture shows. Plus you said you would block me anyway
Idk all the classes. Ill just say the hottest girls. Lea. Leah. Ally. Irini. Gabs and Tilly can't think of any others atm
My footy team winning the GF
Why thank you
I don't know who's in tht class
Ditch gabs. Hook ally or lea and date lea or ally can't decide
Idk. There's alot
Not sure there's alot of pretty girls
Thanks annon<3
Hmmm calling Somone a f***** anonymously. Tuff bro
Not telling
Thanks Lea! <3
Idk ask them
Smarter than you mia
Pretty, seems to be funny and nice
Gabs and lexi are definitely the hottest. Not sure about anyone else
There's alot
I'm not annoying to anyone unless they be a f***** to me. Haters gonna hate
Fun to be around has good features ;) and is a good friend
Don't really know what to write
Don't know her well but is good looking and seems funny and nice
Ya mum
I'm not sure
Not really looking for a girlfriend
Not really friends with any besides maybe lexi
Thanks Lucy!!!
Lol your such a Pu**y
Include your details you Pu**y
Yeah mateeeee! Cheers natho Ma besto
Isn't it funny how much of a Pu**y you are? Talking shi* anonymously. *cough* *cough* *Pu**y* *cough* *cough* malaka
Coughing alot there buddy.
Abit pedo. Rather not tell, you can ask me on kik
Haha thanks
Done care
Kim kardasion is the best . No one can beat kimmy
Heart Attack
I'm not going
Just a feeling
Idk if I like her anymore, no point of liking someone if they don't like you.. I can tell that she likes someone so f*** it.
Ok give me the number
Kik me and I promise ill tell you. Chrizkotz23 just don't want everyone knowing
Likes Kai, hahahah
Don't know her
That's nice
Nah I don't, I used to like Leah but I don't like anyone anymore. I swear
Yeah, 7sp
Pretty girl, from what I hear nice and yeah don't know her much :)
I was talking about lilli and tash .
Haha I agree
Don't really know her to say anything.
Hahahahahah nathan told me about that lol, but i can't really remember what he told me lol
really funny, beautiful hair, gorgeous face, amazing eyes and a nice smile :)
Cool and is good at soccer. Don\'t like her friends
Aaron, miss hanging around with him, laughing with him every clas*, and pissing mr morin off :'( best mate ive had
can only think 5
Nice, Pretty and a really nice person
funny kid, beast at cricket and basketball and a good kid.
haha, sara i know this is you. i dont hate you lol
probs my best mates, Indy,Nathan,Harry,Josh,Lexi,Idman and who can forget irini
ummmmm based around Australia i would go for afl, but around the world, easily soccer
pretty,cool girl,good friend and nice PS PIES ARE shi*! AHAH
6 Wins and 1 lose, versed the top 7 team from last year and only lost one game that was against geelong by 7 points, clearly not a shi* team haha
Trueeeeeeee lol
kind of.. yes
What the hell? Nah jokes, Irini is the best vlaka lol
Oh ok lol, ill unblock you.
what? message me again on this why your sorry?
No, he\'s annoying
She\'s funny, cool any one of my Homegroup buddys
just turned 13 , march the 4th
don't really know her but, she's really pretty, seems really funny and would like to get to know her more. :)
a really pretty girl, kik me and i'll tell you ChrizKotz23
kik me lol :)
kik me bro or babe haha
minni you are the cooliest person i've ever met haha
Probs,Nathan,Mitch.Chris,Xavier,Patrick,Haylea and Arcadia haha
Hahaha, i can't really show how to pronounce my last name over this haha.
pretty and really nice girl haha :)