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best spooning in ages :D
aww thanks. no idea who this could be ;)
still trying to figure out what this means
Hey Joshua :) I'm great how is yourself?
Of course I know who anonymous is, I wrote the answer silly ;)
Nope, the opposite. We are girlfriends/married without the benefits :)
At Havens house :) so relaxed and free, always a good time, even if we are just sitting mehe
Yes, I was a small bit tipsy. And when I think back to it, it makes me and the other person laugh a lot. It was nothing but a magic trick hahaha
Keeeeen babeeeeeey
Sitting in a dark corner by myself (:
Never ;)
Too many to count soz
Well, that's the only way to do it ;)
Thankyou, so do you :D
Oh met me through Haven? What a surprise haha, I really don't have all the boys :p Something to with the twins probably, judging from most of the questions I've received so far...
Lots of different people make me happy in different ways. They would have to be my closest friends Claire and Haven, and one more anonymous ;)
No clue? He is pretty cool isn't he. We gon have the mean time in the hols!
Claudia Johnston is who I am.