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Claire Rayner


Ask me shít

907 Replies

Thoughts about Game of thrones season 5 finale ?

Shh I haven't seen it yet

clairerayner replied 3480 days ago

If you had to get Married at the age made up by the last two Digits of your phone number How old would u be?


clairerayner replied 3499 days ago

last 5 people you texted

cooper, angus, john, my brother, saf

clairerayner replied 3501 days ago

Who was the last person to break your heart ?


clairerayner replied 3501 days ago

Something you regret buying and why ?

I regret nothing :)

clairerayner replied 3509 days ago

B like Bieber or B like Beethoven?

or b like bacon?

clairerayner replied 3523 days ago

Favourite song to dance to?

ye dunno

clairerayner replied 3528 days ago

What would make you happy?

stabbing people

clairerayner replied 3529 days ago 1

Who was the first person you thought about when you woke up this morning?


clairerayner replied 3529 days ago

Can a robot have conscience? If not, why? If yes, is a robot, having conscience alive?

Hahahahaha what

clairerayner replied 3530 days ago

does tyler have a big **** ?

Dunno man

clairerayner replied 3530 days ago

What would you change about thinking?


clairerayner replied 3531 days ago

You are really pretty


clairerayner replied 3540 days ago

Who is your greatest supporter?

Ha Dunno

clairerayner replied 3540 days ago

Friend you once had a crush on ?

Once :') Haha cooper

clairerayner replied 3541 days ago